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Lucky for me, my leg problem seemed to be gone after a good night's sleep. I didn't know that having Kakashi by my side would have such a weight on my mind and body. Waking up next to him set my heart on fire. His closed eyes, his soft lips, and his serene sleeping features gave me a feeling that I had never experienced before, a feeling that bloomed in my chest. I lay there staring at his face for a while.

I reached out but stopped just a centimeter away. I let my hand drop. I didn't want to wake him; he worked so hard. I frowned, my brows coming together, I curled up beside him. My legs felt a little heavy. I would need to be careful. I took in Kakashi's face again. He was so handsome, with a sharp jaw and oddly smooth skin. He hardly had any stubble at all, and there was a cute mole on his chin. He had long lashes; why did men always have such beautiful lashes—even in this world. I felt sad as I looked at the scar that went over his eye. I hope it didn't bother him.

My eye's gone to his lips, hmmm. I looked at the time well; we had been sleeping for a while. I leaned forward. My stomach was doing flips. He was almost too handsome... I looked up to his eye's and epped; he was looking at me amused and silent. 

"Oh, don't stop on my account. " He said it, giving me a sleepy, closed-eye smile.

I blushed. Well, it was alright then, wasn't it? we are dating... well, our funny type of dating... I closed my eye as I leaned forward and my lips gently touched his. He surprised me when his lips kissed back with more passion then I was expecting. But he pulled away after a few second and smiled sweetly down at me. 

"I have to admit. If this is how I get to wake up everyday, I might just have to stop sleeping on the couch." He said it and reached out, caressing my face lightly. His eye's traveled down my body and stopped at my bare legs. He reached out, running a hand down my thigh. He looked up at me, almost careful, checking...

I leaned in, pecking him on the lips softly. "You don't have to sleep on the couch...I told you that last night. I am comfortable enough with this now... I like it a lot." I said it softly, feeling shy as always. 

He smiled again and pulled me into his arms. I cuddled into his chest, and he asked, "How are your legs? If your still having trouble, we can go to the doctor's. " He spoke as he trailed his finger over the skin of my lower back. It felt nice and was slightly ticklish.

I wiggled my toes and lifted my leg, "Seems they are alright now. Of course I could end up on my face with my luck." I laughed a little.

He rolled around with me in his arms so I was on the free side of the bed. He released me so I could get up if I wanted. He stretched and gazed at the time... "Hmmm, I am glad you feeling better. Sorry to say it but I will have to run off after a shower. Lady Hokage will want to see me and well, there is no rest for me." He groaned dramatically, putting his arm over his face. 

I giggled and poked his cheek, I gazed at him. "I should get to work soon as well. Hmm, it is nice to be home, even though it was a short trip." I rolled and sat up so I was sitting on the edge of the bed.

He looked at me, waiting, ready to jump and grab me if needed. I got up and wobbled slightly but I was okay. I walked around a little, then looked at him, pleased. 

"Hmm, don't push yourself at work. If it gets hard, come home. Also, if I'm not back, be sure to start reading again. Soon we will be whipping that butt of yours into shape." He winked at me and flipped out up bed. He landed gracefully on the balls of his feet. He stretched again as he walked past me toward the door, gazing down at me. 

I blushed and nodded, "Yes, Sir." I gave him a lazy salute, which made him chuckle.

He went to shower and I went to the kitchen, flicking the light on. I was happy; this was so nice. It brought a joy to my life that I never had before, but trauma loved the company of joy. Not to say that misery loves company... But in every good moment, I feel the past is sitting there, smiling, waiting, and wanting to always remind me. 

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