Out for delivery

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I picked up the last box from the delivery table and placed it on the carrier. Lucky for me, all the packages seemed to be small ones; there were just many of them. I tightened the straps and then turned to the others. Kakashi was looking at his watch. "I need to head out now. So remember to lock the door when you get home. Also, don't forget, you need to dress in a jacket or you might get sick." He lectured me as he was quickly scanning his paper, filling in spots, and signing others.

I frowned, looking down at my hoodie. I suppose it was getting too cold for this. But wasn't it all I had? "This is all I have." I told him.

He looked up at me, then tilted his head. "Ah, I forgot we meant to get you a jacket." He pulled his wallet out, then frowned. "You can use my old one from when I was younger; it doesn't fit me, but it might fit you. " He patted my head. "Its in the attic; the door is in the laundry room.

I nodded as my face heated up, Shino was staring at us. "S-Sure thing." 

Kakashi raised a brow, then looked over at Shino, who turned to work again. Kakashi looked back down at me with an amused look. "Anyway, you better get going and so should I will be back in no time."

"After that, can we train and—uh." I fidgeted. I had told myself this would be easy. But now I was getting nervous. Come on, he was my boyfriend, right? I glanced at him, my face feeling hotter, and my boyfriend felt so lesser. But he was; I should just ask him. 

He seemed to find me amusing as he watched me struggle in turn. He leaned down to my ear. "Your killing me, you know." He whispered, then kissed my cheek. "Yes, we can train, and yes, we can go on a date, my little angel." He stroked my shocked face.

How did he know? "Really? Can we see the stars before its too cold?" I asked. I tilted my head, remembering something as I pulled my bag on, and he started guiding me toward the door. "Also, what did that nurse call me?" 

"Yeah, we can see the stars and have dinner too. We both deserve to spend some time together. I want to spoil you a little," he said, pulling me along the road by my hand as he considered it. He rubbed his chin for a little while before raising his eyebrows as if he were recalling something. "Oh! You do not have a word for jsnjldk..." he said, narrowing his eyes at me. "Don't people get dfkjkl?"

I stared up at him, confused. What was he saying? Today was really weird, with so many new words. "Can you describe it?" 

He frowned, looking at the time. "I'm not usually one to care about being late, but this one actually is time-sensitive. I promise to talk about it once I'm back, okay? It was what your parents were, I'm sure." He rolled his hands, looking hopeful. "I love you, sweetie; just get your missions done for the day. I will be back before you know it," he said as he bent down and gave me a kiss on my forehead through his mask before giving me a tight hug.

I nodded into his chest and said, "Okay, I love you more, Kakashi Hatake." I jumped up, kissing him before running off to continue with my day. I had just this last thing to do and even more to think about. 

I reached the front gates in a few minutes and looked around, realizing that it was much later than normal. Where was the person for the day? I looked around and waited a few minutes before walking over to the desk where Izumo and Kotetsu sat reading. "Hey, do you know who the delivery person is today?" I asked.

Izumo looked up from what he was reading. "Oh, its Millie!" He elbowed Kotetsu. Kotetsu grumbled, looking annoyed at him, but then looked at me and smirked. "You've gotten pretty good at the language, I see!" He praised me.

I smiled back shyly and blushed a little. "Well, I had to, right? So uh.."

Izumo gave me a nod and picked up a clipboard. "Oh, it's blank...huh. Well, I'm sure you can handle it, right?" He shrugged, then handed me the clipboard. 

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