Highs and lows

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With every loving and peaceful moment, its like the world takes its collections... counting and tallied. It was like it waited to deliver all the pain that had gone untouched during those moments. 

I felt in many ways stronger than I had ever felt. But still, I realized just how weak I was compared to the people around me. I pain shot through my head, and I grumbled, rubbing it, looking up at Tsunade. Who at this moment didn't look very happy?

"Thinking like that won't help you! You might not be as strong as Kakashi or me, but you are far stronger than you give yourself credit for!" She yelled at me sternly. She folded her arms, closing her eyes as she took a breath. "You should be weak; from what your body had been like in the beginning, your future looked bleak. But here you are going toe to toe with Kakashi in the slightest. Holding your own against him is no small feat. Even his other students struggle to do that. You are also injured still." She went on and on. 

I sighed, looking away, rubbing at my head. Kakashi and Jiraiya seemed to be standing off to the side having a serious talk, but at her commotion, they looked over. Kakashi looked serious, he must have gotten bad news. But he nodded, then glanced at me; he waved before vanishing. He must have to go do something. What had he been told? 

"Listen to me!" Tsunade snapped, bringing me back to her.

"S-Sorry." I pleaded, smiling at her. "I'm just wondering what Jiraiya told Kakashi to make him look like that. But I was listening to you. I'm glad you think I am doing well; it makes me happy, but I just... don't feel good enough."

"Millie, or well, Michi, from this moment on I will stepping in to help train you. Kakashi is being sent off on a mission and Naruto will be joining us." He said it, smiling down at me. He had a glint in his eyes; it didn't unnerve me like maybe it should have.

I jumped up excited. "what? Really?!" He was really going to train me? of all people?

Tsunade sighed, looking nervous. "After seeing you fight and getting the news, he seemed hell bent on it. I can't say I disagree in the training, but Jiraiya I shouldn't have to remind you; she has the tailed beast in her on top of recovering... She is also our daughter, in one way or another. I've had proposals for her marriage already, and death threats." She grumbled. 

My eye's widened looking at her in disbelief. "what?"

Jiraiya rubbed his chin as he watched my reaction. "Seems she doesn't even know herself. But I can't say I'm surprised. I'll just have two injured students then. I know to watch out, Tsunade; I am the one that put the seal on her."

I looked between them, still a bit confused. "Marriage? death threats? what?" I shook my head. "I'm going to marry Kakashi; no one else." I said it sternly, folding my arms.

They looked amused by me. "Quiet the declaration; I have to say I never got the news." Jiraiya said it with a massive smirk on his face.

I realized that I had just yelled that, of all things. I blushed, looking away. "I still don't get it..." I grumbled it.

Tsunade sighed. "When I declared you as our daughter... I told you it would be dangerous in its own way, that people would come after you for being my daughter. Technically, your the daughter of two of the legendary Sannin. Not to mention a direct blood line to the first Hokage. Regardless of us not being the ones to actually birth you, you are in fact ours. Given that many want to secure those ties and many want to destroy them as well." She explained it in a low voice.

Jiraiya leaned against the tree and nodded. "Some might hide you away..." He side-eyed Tsunade. "While others would advise building up your strength to give you the advantage in any circumstance." He said it matching her low-tone.

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