We may have a problem

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Heat and rumbling were present. I awoke to see a massive explosion approaching us. How long was I out for? While the guys' team was fleeing, I cried out. The dust had us completely blinded. As the dust settled and we waited for impact, we saw that everything in the explosion's path was being drawn up by a swirling vacuum. I was getting really nuts.

We all stared in half horror and relief. My eyes dropped to Kakashi. As the swirl vanished, he fell forward over me. I felt pretty light-headed myself. "Kashi..." I could barely say his name as I was shaking his arm. He still had chakra.

"I'm alive, just so tired." He spoke into my lap, still unable to move much. "Is everyone okay?"

People nodded and started asking if it was over. Naruto's clones jumped down from the tree with Gaara. "Sakura..." He called her name desperately. He wanted her to heal Gaara?

I tiredly looked over, relieved to see she was alive and okay. When did they return? I let my head fall back. I felt so tired... with the help of a guy moving Kakashi and Naruto carrying me. We moved away from the area into more of a clearing. I was sitting next to Kakashi. Both of us were barely able to do that.

Sakura had tried to heal Gaara, but it was no use; he was already gone. I was heartbroken as Naruto broke apart, telling Chiyo to shut up. He went on about how no one had a right to call them jinchūriki, that it was the ninja of the sands fault for sealing the tailed best inside of Gaara, the pain, and the suffering they went through. 

I felt tears well in my eyes as I stared at Naruto, crying. There was pain in him. He had been so lonely, and Gaara... I looked down at the red-haired boy. I wish I had gotten to know him. It was still terrible to see someone suffer a young death. I covered my face. These poor kids—truly, how could anyone do this to them? Kakashi reached over, rubbing my back as he closed his own eyes from the grief, or maybe even the guilt.

"Lady Chiyo... that-that jutsu!" Sakura's shocked voice pulled everyone's attention. 

We watched as she leaned over Gaara, her hands glowing blue. I didn't have to know the jutsu. After using my powers enough, I could tell what she was doing. I wasn't sure if it was right, but it was her choice. I closed my eyes, seeing the chakra leave her and go into Gaara. 

I felt Chakra coming. People... I turned toward the forest. "Tamari," I whispered, making the others near me look at me confused. But soon enough, the others arrived. I watched as Naruto fed his chakra into Gaara with Chiyo.

Chiyo spoke, her voice raspy. She spoke of the pain she had caused over the years—her regret. Her faith in Naruto and the magic he held over others. His strength as a good soul meant that he would change the world and the future. She even told Sakura that she would surpass her master and that she was a strong soul like herself. Her eyes landed on me. 

I had tears in my eyes as I watched her life slip away.

"You have strength in you that others may never understand." She whispered it.

I stared at her wide-eyed as she slipped away as Gaara sat up. A life given...

The others arrived suddenly, surrounding us. As Sakura pulled her away, she slipped away as there was a commotion. Tears streamed down my face as I stared into her eyes. "Thank you," I whispered, heartbroken. I sobbed, as everyone was so happy to see Lord Gaara alive. 

But it didn't take long for everyone to catch on to the dreadful situation. The people slowly feel silent, many looking lost at what to say or do. 

"Everyone prays for Lady Chiyo in her farewell and for all she has just done for the sand." Gaara's voice was smooth yet husky as he struggled over to where she was. Everyone bowed their heads and closed their eyes in a silent prayer. Paying respects to the woman who sacrificed her own life for the future. I could see it now that he was awake—the soul in his eye's. He seemed surprised by everyone's reactions and the situation.

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