Not the only one

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I rolled over with a groan in the bed I had started to really get used to sleeping in. I rubbed my eyes looking at the time, it was 8 am. I sat up after a moment and then looked toward the window at the light that was starting to shine through it. I rubbed my face and yawned a little as I climbed out of bed. My feet padded across the floor as I grabbed one of Kakashi's shirts and slipped it on. I tiredly went to the bathroom and started getting ready for the day.

As much of a drag as it was, our wonderful date had to end and sadly not a few days later he had to leave on a mission without his ragtag group. Even though they seemed young, I guess he still had more serious business. I just focused on my learning the language and working a part time job I got at a book store. It was simple enough and helped me farther my skills. I felt like I was getting decent at saying simple stuff sure I couldn't use big words but that's okay. Ill get there.

It took me a while to actually get to know Kakashi's team. It was hard to keep up with them before but with the device it was a little easier. I learned that right before I had showed up one other of their team had left, he was a boy name Sasuke. They seemed to be pretty emotional about the whole thing... it was hard for my device to keep up so I had to accept that I wouldn't understand completely. Something about an enemy group and him joining them along with them wanting to bring them back. I would have to asked Kakashi about it.(bare with me I changed the OG story slightly)

But they seemed to accept me now at least...

I was astonished to find that terrible things had happened while I was here and I hadn't even know it. Maybe due to not knowing the language and just staying inside... but It resulted in the Hokage dying. (I know he gets killed but I changed it slightly, we are at right about when Naruto is about to leave with Jiraiya) IT seemed like they had been looking for information on something. Maybe that is why Kakashi was suddenly sent off.

I wanted to be mad that he hadn't said anything but he probably was worried about scaring me. I was still new and didn't understand to much of the world. But as the days passed it was getting easier.

I spent much of my work day lost in thought thinking about the world I was in now. I could read better then I could speak so I thought about invading Kakashi's bookshelf when I got home, practice and knowledge. Hmmm... Home... I called it home. I smiled to myself as I clocked out and headed out of the store. Lucky for me I was just mostly cleaning for now. But it was something to do at least. It gave more than just sitting around to my life.

I patted my stomach which had amazingly shrank a bit from me being in the world, no fast food to keep it steady. But my thighs would fight for it. I was pulled from my thoughts as a tall white haired man blocked my path to the house he was leaning against the door waiting. He looked to be a bit older than Kakashi, and had on a sage green outfit with a red flowing vest. He was another extreme example of the weird outfits in this world.

I stopped a few feet away from him unsure who he was, as he looked at me I notice red lines from his eyes that went down his face. Whoa...

"Well hello there dark haired beauty, looking for someone?" He asked it with a huge grin on his face.

I frowned stepped away from him red alarms going on from his words. He gave off such a harmless vibe though, it was throwing me through a loop. As I shrank away from him he smirked, "A Shy one eh? No worry, Jiraiya would never hurt a lady as beautiful as you!"His voice was so booming.

While he seemed silly his word's made my face light up, he was blocking my normal escape...home. I tried my best to calm down as speak the best I could in the language. "I-I live here...Are you looking for Kakashi?" I asked it trying to be brave. Maybe he was a friend of his?

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