Ch.29: Beside You (Finale part 1)

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Nessa's POV:

"You ready to go?" I turned to my wife as she attempted to put on her sweater. "Need some help?"

She looked at me with adorable puppy dog eyes and nodded with a small pout. I chuckled as I made my way over to her and held up her sweater so she could stick her uninjured arm through the sleeve.

"Thanks." She smiled sheepishly as I carefully draped the other side of her sweater on her injured shoulder. "Hopefully I'll be out of this shoulder sling soon."

"I'm sure you will, love." I pecked her cheek and held her free hand. "After all, the doctor did say you've been recovering with flying colors."

"It's because I have such a great support team." She smiled and led us out of the hospital room.

We said our goodbyes to the staff and made our way through the parking garage to our car.

"Do you want me to help carry your guitar or one of the bags?" Quinn questioned as we walked.

"Babe, with what arm?" I teased.

"But-" She started.

"You're holding me," I held up our intertwined hands and kissed her knuckles. "That's all I need you to do right now."

"I think I can managed that." She smiled and leaned in, quickly pecking my lips.

We stepped closer to as a car approached to allow it to pass by and I set down our belongings. I reached into my pocket to get the car keys—

"Nessa!!" Quinn screamed and I turned to see her being roughly dragged into the back of the black van.

"Quinn-" I began but was cut off by duct tape placed over my mouth.

I thrashed as hard as I could against the arms that shoved me into the van but there wasn't much I could do with my hands tied behind me back.

"Don't cause us any trouble and this should be an easy ride." I heard a rough voice warn before I heard the doors slam shut.

I grunted as I struggled to sit up right from the position I was thrown into, laying on my stomach. I felt relief when I managed to get onto my knees and looked around for my wife. I felt my heart break when I saw her lying on her back with her injured arm forcibly pulled out of the sling and tied behind her. Although duct tape covered her mouth I could see that she was clenching her jaw. She shut her eyes tightly, pulling her eyebrows together as she tried to bear the pain.

"Quinn." My shaky voice was muffled by the duct tape.

She slowly peaked her eyes open and few tears escaped her eyes. I scrambled to her side and tried to help her up as gently as I could with my legs. After what felt like hours of struggling to get her sitting up, she was finally able to let out a breath of relief. I scooted back until I leaned against the inside of the van and I nudged her thigh with my foot to get her attention. She turned to me with a grunt and I nodded down to myself and opened my legs a little to give her room to sit. She gradually made her way over and settled between my legs and I bent my legs so she could slip her feet under my knees. I brought my knees closer to my chest and planted my feet flat on the floor to provide a sort of fence for her to fall against in case the ride was going to be bumpy since I couldn't wrap my arms around her.

She leaned her left shoulder against my chest and snuggled her face into my neck, letting out a sigh. I would have tried to say something comforting but due to the duct tape situation all I could do was rest the side of my face against the top of her head to comfort her.

We left the hospital that morning and judging by my grumbling stomach it was about 1 or 2 hours passed noon. I felt Quinn shift against me and I lifted my head. She sat up more and leaned her forehead against mine. There was a sadness in her eyes and I knew that we both understood who was behind this. I wanted to comfort her and tell her that I loved in her in any way that I could so I moved my face forward and rubbed our noses together. I heard her chuckle and I pulled away to look her in the eyes. Her eyes told a different story this time, they shown with resilience and a promise of getting through this. Then her eyes softened the way they do before she says, "I love you".

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