Ch. 17: Selfish

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Alexis' POV:

I listened to her soft breathing, for she was still in a distant place. I watched as she would snuggle into me every now and then. I gazed lovingly at her when a small smile would tug at her perfect lips after I kissed her forehead. And even with her in my arms now, it's still hard to believe that she's mine.

The words she told me last night echoed in my head, "I want you Alexis."

With her in my embrace right now I realized there was something I needed to do, for her sake. I don't want her to hurt anymore. I began to slowly unwrap myself from her.

"No...stay here Lex." She moaned sleepily, in such a cute way it made my heart flutter, before kissing my collarbone sweetly.

I couldn't deny any requeste she asked of me so I smiled and let her cuddle into me again. Eventually we both got up and I made us breakfast. We finished eating and began to change in her bedroom, luckily I had some clothes at her apartment or should I say her apartment.

Snap out of it Alexis! I shook my head and stripped out of my shirt. I jumped in surprise when I felt Nessa's hand snake around my stomach. I turned to face her and she lifted herself onto her toes to reach my mouth for a passionate kiss. She began to gently push me back before sitting me down on the edge of the bed and straddling my thighs. She stroked my cheek with the back of her hand before cupping my face and pressing our lips together. My hands instinctively moved to her hips to bring her closer. I wanted her.

I wanted and needed her more than anything. It's selfish of me to say that, I know, but I can't help it. Nessa made me feel a way that I've never felt in all my years of living. There was something about her that made me want to give her everything. There was something different about her and I'm sure Quinn felt the same way for her. I can only hope that she meant what she said to me last night...because I want her too.

Her velvet soft lips captured mine with ever hot breath leaving me desperately wanting more. There was something different in the way she kissed felt as though she was putting every emotion she was feeling for me in every kiss. No one has every kissed me like that. This affirmed what she told me last night.

And when she started to rock her hips, I felt heat ignite in my core. I embraced her tighter and placed hot kisses down her neck, making her moan lightly.

I kissed her neck one last time, "I love you so much." I breathed against her skin.

"I know babe." She cupped my face and kissed my lips, slowly and tenderly. "I love you too." She smiled and pressed her forehead to mine.

After making out for a few more minutes, we got up from our position and finished changing. I walked her to her car and we exchanges a few kisses and another "I love you" before parting ways.

Once I was sure she couldn't see me anymore I pulled out my phone and dialed a number.

"Owens." Quinn said from the other line.

"We need to talk."


I stood before the door to her office. I inhaled deeply before composing myself and walking through the door.

"Alexis, welcome." Quinn greeted my from behind her desk. "What did you need to talk about?"

"I'm not speaking to you as my her manager, I am talking to you now as Nessa's girlfriend." I stated. "I came here bent on anger but that's not the road I want to take. Instead, I want to ask, no, plead to you. Please, don't hurt her anymore." She looked at me with shock evident on her face.

"I don't know what your talking about." She stuttered.

"Quinn, you don't have to pretend anymore." I assured her. "She told me everything."

"Everything?" She asked.

"Yes. Everything." I said.

"Did you break up with her?" She asked.

"No. I couldn't even bear the thought of leaving her." I answered honestly.

"Even after what we did in the dance studio yesterday?" I felt a stab in my chest when she said that.

"Even after that..." I said. "I love her. And I know she's tormented by what's happened between you two."

"If she told you everything then you should know that she's still in loves with me." She fought.

I was tempted to tell her what Nessa told me last night but, "I didn't come here to fight with you Quinn." I said calmly. "I just wanted to ask you to stop hurting her. It hurts her, you constantly pursuing her, you know?"

"It hurts her...because she still loves me." She defended. "I did this all for her..."

"How did you manage it?" I was curious.

"How did I manage what?"

"How did you manage to be away from her for so long?" I clarified. "How did you even manage to leave?"

"Family issues are what made everything go wrong..." She began. "I did everything I did with our future in mind, she was on my mind every second. But it looks like I fucked it all up. You know what they say: The road to hell is paved with good intentions." She tried to smile a little but I could tell she was fighting back tears.

"I see." I looked at her with understanding.

"But." She composed herself. "I love her. And, no matter how long it takes, I will fight for her."

"I have no doubt you love her." I stated. "We both look at her the same way. She's so breathtaking but at the same time, even when she's in your embrace, you never have a full grasp on her. There's so much to her."

"She's very special." She agreed.

"She is." I looked her in the eyes. "And that's why I asked to speak with you today. You have to stop, you can't break her again Quinn. We might lose her for good this time." Her expression changed when I said this. She was no longer composed...she was trembling. "I won't stand by and watch her be in pain. I won't stand by and let you do that to her again. She won't fall for you again if she thinks your not there to catch her. You had your chance Quinn. You need to let her go."

"I...I love her. I know this is selfish but I have to make things right." Her voice was shaky.

"You want to make things right?" I asked.

"More than anything." She started to compose herself.

"Then let her be happy."

*** A/N: Please Vote and Comment! Tell me which team you're on! VanessaxQuinn or VanessaxAlexis?

There's Alexis at the top! check it out!

- JoJo :]

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