Ch.3: Sing to me

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"Hey Quinn it's Vanessa. Ummmm I just called to let you know that I'm free this Friday night." I say nervously into the phone, "Does Friday work for you?"

"Friday? Yeah that works great!" she said excitedly, "I'll text you the address of the place we're going to. You can dress casually, it'll be nice and relaxing." I could hear her smiling into the phone.

"Alright! I'll see you Friday then!" I said with excitement building in my stomach.

"See you Friday!" she said before hanging up the phone.

Friday couldn't come soon enough. It felt like ages as I waited in anticipation for my night out with Quinn. I just hope this isn't the only time I get time with her.

Friday finally came and I've never felt so stressed out. The hours and minutes counted down until I only had 1 hour till our, what I would like to call, date.

I curled my long blonde hair so that soft waves of gold flowed down my left shoulder. Quinn told me to dress casual but I need to try and impress her. So, I got out my favorite black leather jacket, a white crop-top, high waisted blue jeans, and my favorite combat boots.

I rushed franticly to the mirror in the bathroom of my small apartment and swiftly put on my make-up. Next, I put on some nice white gold dangling earrings and a necklace. This necklace was special, it comprised of my mom's family pendant and my dad's favorite guitar pick attached behind the pendant. It was my good luck charm, so to speak, that I only wear on special occasions because I'm terrified of losing it.

I looked into the mirror one last time and gave myself a smile of approval before I grabbed my keys and drove to the location Quinn texted me.

With in fifteen minutes I arrived at a grand building, which seemed to be a high-rise apartment. I walked into the extravagant lobby and found my way to the front desk, which was all the way across the large room.

"Excuse me? I'm supposed to be meeting with Quinn Owens here?" I said, distracted by the giant chandelier hanging above my head.

"Ahh yes. Ms. Vanessa I presume?" The man behind the front desk said, not once looking up from his computer. "Ms. Owens will be waiting for you in the penthouse. Here is your card, you may take the elevator over there." He waved my off.

"Thank you." I said before making my way to the elevator.

"Penthouse huh? I thought this was supposed to be casual." I thought to myself, "Or maybe she's going to repay me with her body-" I shook my head in the attempt to get rid of the dirty thoughts.


The doors opened to a large elegantly decorated room with people engulfed in conversation. I invited myself in and wandered through the space. There was a spiraling staircase that, I assumed, lead to the roof and had many large windows overlooking the city.

"Vanessa!" Quinn cheered as she walked towards me, "Come on let's go to roof before all the good seats are taken!" She said taking hold of my hand.

I noticed all the other people, who were conversing like there was no tomorrow, now making their way to the roof as well. Soon enough we reached the roof was something. There was a platform at one end of the roof and sofas, beanbags, cushioned chairs placed throughout the roof but leaving space in front of the stage for people to dance. There was also a small bar at the opposite end of the roof from the stage. And the view of Miami from here was like nothing I could have imagined. Suddenly I felt very, very out of place here.

Quinn rushed us to a love seat that gave us full view of the stage. Within a few minutes everybody got settled and conversations began to arise once again. I eyed the stage and saw that it was lined with many different types of instruments, along with a grand piano placed toward the right side of the stage.

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