Ch.30: The Best is Yet to Come (Finale part 2)

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Quinn's POV:

"Yes sir, I'll watch over them while you're away." I heard a muffled voice as I drifted back into consciousness.

My head throbbed-no-actually EVERYTHING throbbed and ached. My eyelids weighed down, refusing to open, as though they had been sealed shut. So in an attempted to move my limbs slowly to assess how much damage had been done. Arms: heavy and bruised but still functioning. Legs: I can manage to wiggle my toes so I'll take that as a good sign. I felt something weighing down on left leg and I forced my eyes to peak open.

My arms weren't tied behind my back anymore-thankfully-someone had put my arm back in the sling, my hands were handcuffed and were connected to a long chain locked to the middle of the floor, allowing me to lean against the wall. Golden hair splayed over my legs caught my eye and I saw that the weight on my leg was Nessa resting her head on my lap.

I gasped, remembering that she had barged into the room and took on the beating for me.

"Nessa." I said with relief and I moved my hands to gently caress her bruised stained cheek. "You didn't have to do that for me, baby."

I leaned down to kiss for forehead in an attempt to wake her.

"She's been drugged. She'll be out for a couple more hours." My head shot up to the voice coming from the opposite end of the room.

"Alexis..." I leaned over my wife and cradled her head protectively.

"Oh stop, I've grown bored of your heroic gestures. I'm not going to hurt her. I drugged her so she would pass out and they wouldn't beat her anymore." Alexis spoke with her hands crossed over her chest as she sat menacingly in a chair across the room.

"Thank you for saving her from that." I said sincerely. Thankfully she set her chair directly across from me so I wouldn't have to strain my neck to look at her.

"It wasn't much but it was more than you did to help her." Her words were sharp and intending to wound.

"It was." I agreed, much to her surprise. "And I'm thankful that you did it."

"You're very calm for someone who could lose their life any second." She spoke coldly as she pulled out a gun and aimed it straight at me. "You know I had every intention to kill you that night, you're just lucky I hesitated because Nessa was behind you."

"I believe that but you won't kill me right now." I said boldly.

"And why is that?" She raised an amused eyebrow.

"Because of Nessa." I answered. "You don't want see her hurt, physically or emotionally. And you know that she would never forgive you if you killed me." She remained quiet and began to lower her gun. "And I think you can agree that it hurts just as much, if not more, to hurt the one you love than to be hurt by them." I watched her cautiously before risking adding the next part, "And we're technically family."

Wrong move, shit! Alexis locked the gun on me again, this time having a murderous look in her eyes.

"You think I don't know we have the same daddy dearest?" She laughed and I gaped at her in surprise.

"Th-Then why are you working for him?" I asked in confusion.

"How else was I supposed to get to you?" She smirked then her expression morphed into hatred. "You took everything from me. You had everything I didn't, a big home filled with family, money, freedom to do what you wanted. You took Nessa from me. I've wanted to kill you for a long time and my hatred for you has driven me to reach my goal. And here we are, I finally have my gun pointed at you with nothing in my way."

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