Ch.2: First Encounter

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Vanessa's POV:

"Nessa hurry up! The game is going to start soon!" Kathleen yelled as she pulled me to our seats.

"You know I don't even like basketball..." I say running my fingers through my golden waves.

"Don't even try to pull that one on me Nessa. I know how much you love basketball." She said as we sat in our courtside seats, "You were our star player Nessa. You haven't picked up a basketball ever since you tore your ACL during the championship game."

"I guess I've just lost interest in the game..." Was the best excuse I could come up with.

Truth is I still love basketball but after that championship game is when I found out my parents had been in a fatal car crash on the way to the arena. Basketball was our thing, my dad and I, I can't play without remembering. I can't play when I look up into the stands and not see them there cheering their hearts out for me.

"So how's Joseph?" Kath asked casually.

"Oh he's doing well, he moved up in rank. He's a Commander now." I said

"That's great!" She said with excitement.

Our conversation was cut short when the lights of the arena dimmed and the announcer's voice boomed through the speakers.

The players took their seats on the bench and the dancers placed themselves around the perimeter of the court. They were all dressed in red sweat pants that had HEAT printed along the right leg and a black sports bra that had the same thing printed across the front.

One of the dancers with long wavy brown hair took her place only a few feet in front of me. My heart stopped...

My eyes travelled up and down her body as my jaw hung open. Her body was perfectly toned and don't even get me started on her face.

"Are you going to clean up the drool dripping down your chin? Or should I?" Kathleen said, snapping me out of my trance.

"Huh??" Was all I could muster up.

"I bet you could get her number Nessa." She said giving me a wink.

"She's completely out of my league Kath..." I said disappointed, "I mean look at her, she's perfect! Also she's clearly working right now. It's not like I could talk to her."

"Vanessa don't you think there's a reason why our whole high school was after you?? And don't even deny how many people you hooked up with in college. Come on Nessa you're beautiful, have a little self confidence." She said patting my shoulder.

"Whatever you say Kath." I rolled my eyes.

The announcer began to introduce the starting five for the Miami Heat and the dancers began their performance. I'm pretty sure my eyes bugged out of my head when she started swaying to the beat of the music. But I caught myself before I started drooling again. I stared solely at her during whole performance. Looking away when she would glance at me, but never once completely having her out of my field of vision. I wished for the performance not to end but of course it had to. The players circled around mid-court for the tip off as the dancers exited. Okay I think I'm less interested in basketball and more interested in dancing now after that performance.

It was now half time with the score at 55-47 in Miami's favor. The dancers took to the court and started their halftime performance. My eyes quickly found that angelic figure that I longed so much for. I couldn't believe someone I don't even know could get my heart pounding this hard. I guess this is what they call love at first sight...or is it lust at first sight?

The game ended with the HEAT winning by 15 points. But I wasn't at all focused on the game, all I could think about who that woman was.

"That was awesomeee!!!" Kath exclaimed. As we walked to the nearby parking garage.

"Haha yeah it was pretty epic." I said, giving her an agreeing smile.

"Okay well I gotta get going, I have class tomorrow ughhh," she said giving me a goodbye hug, "I'll text you tomorrow."

"You better be acing those classes for the both of us Kath." I joked.

"You know I am! Now that you're not my greatest rival in sports and academics." She stuck her tongue out teasingly.

We gave each other one last hug before making our way to our cars, which were on different floors of the garage. I made my way to the 3rd floor of the garage and heard muffled shouting. I could make out a man and a woman yelling.

"Probably another couple fighting about nonsense.'" I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes.

As I made my way farther down the isles of cars the shouting became more evident. The woman sounded frantic and the man yelled demandingly.

"A beautiful voice like that shouldn't be used for that type of yelling." I thought and laughed at my own joke.

I began to see the two people. The scene was not what I imagined at all.

The man was grabbing the woman's arm attempting to pull her towards his car. And the woman was struggling against the man's superior strength.

I let my instincts take control and ran over to them to aid the woman. I picked up speed and did a flying knee right to the man's jaw and he fell to the ground hard.

"Gahhh!!" He yelled in pain.

I faced the man on the floor with my back turned to the woman.

"Sorry am I interrupting something?" I asked in an innocent voice.

He didn't say anything then scrambled to stand up and ran to his car before quickly driving away.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked turning to face her.

My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw whom it was.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks to you." She said and smiled thankfully, melting my heart.

"Uhhh...You're welcome." I said avoiding eye contact.

"You're not going to start drooling again are you?" She laughed.

"I wasn't drooling, I swear!!" I said turning bright red.

"I'm kidding. I heard you and your friend talking." She giggled.

" Oh..." I said, feeling like I could exploded from all the embarrassment filling my body.

"Here." She said handing a piece of paper with the name "Quinn Owens" on it and a number written on it. "The least I can do is repay you for saving me." She said with a smile.

"Oh it's fine you really don't have to." I said.

"No no, I insist." Giving me another smile, "That's my number on the paper. You can call or text me tomorrow to let me know when you're free and I'll set up something for us to do."

"Alright." I said offering her a smile this time. "I guess names would be a good place to start. I'm Vanessa." I say extending my hand to her.

"Quinn." She said, "Nice to meet you Vanessa."

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