Ch. 25: Till Death Do Us Part (2)

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*** A/N: Feel free to listen to the song at the top ^^^ as Vanessa sings it!

My Forever

Vanessa's POV:

I sat in the desk of the guest room with a blank sheet of paper before me and I searched. I searched in the deepest parts of my heart to find the words that could truly express every ounce of love I have for her. Searching for words on thesaurus to describe this indescribable feeling was to no avail. All these words in the world and I am still limited. These are only superficial in comparison to the Marianas Trench of love within my heart.

I stood from the desk abruptly and began to pace the length of the room. I frequently glanced at the door hoping that Quinn would burst into the room and wrap me in her forgiving embrace.

Then an idea hit me. I would express what I feel for her in the only way I knew how, through music. Once again making use of technology, I pulled out my laptop and opened the Garage Band App. I plugged my headphones in so that she wouldn't hear and I began arranging and rearranging tracks until I was able to find a perfect rhythm. I glanced around the room in suspicion, wondering if somehow Quinn would be able to hear me if I sang. Not willing to take any risks, I scooped up my equipment and rushed into the bathroom. I locked the door and plopped myself down on the elaborately tiled floor. I played the instrumentals and let the soft keys of the piano flow through my heart as they caught the words I was so desperately trying to find. And I began to softly let the words of unconditional love glide from my lips as I recorded.

"This is my love song to you..."


I emerged from the bathroom after tireless working to perfect the song. I set my laptop on the desk and glance at the door once more. I let my gaze linger there for a brief moment before turning away and making my way to the bed. I lay there imagining the sweet scent of my true love filling my nose as she pressed her body closely to mine. I let my eyes close as my mind filled with thoughts of my love.

Creak creak

I heard faint footsteps approach my door and come to a halt. My eyes shot open as I watched the shadow underneath my door pass by. I heard a body slip down against the wall and then there was silence again.

I stood from the bed and walked to my door. I mimicked the movement of the shadow and slid down against the wall. We would have been back to back if it weren't for the wall separating us. We sat there in silence for a few moments before I mustered up the courage to speak.

"Quinn? Is that you?" I spoke softly but loud enough from her to hear me.

It was silent for a few moments before I faintly heard her voice.

"I couldn't stay away." The barrier between us muffled her gentle voice.

Unable to resist the longing in her voice I cracked the door open to find her hand clenched in a fist on the floor. Without hesitation I took hold of her hand and she immediately relaxed in reaction to my touch.

"I'm glad you're here." I smiled as I fought the urge to envelope her in my arms.

"This is the first night I've had alone with you in years under better circumstances. It's the first time I've had your body and soul with me in so long. And I can't even be with you." She said sadly.

"This..." I kissed the back of her hand. "is more than we've had together in a long time. Tomorrow you'll be mine and I'll be yours. And we won't have to doubt or fear that we'll lose the other to someone else. Let's use this time to express anything we've been hiding back all these years. What do you say?" I squeezed her hand gently.

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