Ch. 18: Pretend/Lie to Me

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Quinn's POV:

I sat on my bed and felt sorry for myself. How could I mess up something so perfect? Now all I have to comfort me is the necklace she gave me and the note she handwrote me. I reached over to my drawers and pulled out a sheet of paper, the note she wrote for me...back when she still wanted me.

My Love,

I know you're going through a hard time right now but, please, don't shut me out. Whatever you're going through I know we can get through it together. I'll fight by your side if you let me, so please let me. You don't have to do this on your own.

The necklace, you'll find with this note, is a memento from my parents. They would tell me to wear it whenever I needed some courage or some luck. It would seem that you need a little of both. But that's not the only significance of this necklace. It represents my heart. I give you all of me. So please, take care of it.

I love you endlessly,


By the time I finished reading her note tears were pouring down my cheeks. "Nessa I'm so sorry." I carefully folded the paper back up clenched it to my chest. "You were right. You were right about everything. It was perfect the way we had it. I just wanted to give you everything I was capable of giving you."

Needing some guidance, I got changed and sped out of my driveway. I drove to a place that I went to whenever I felt lost. I parked my car and made my way through the grass and stones until I came to my destination, my mother's tomb. Since we had money we had a family burial vault. I walked in and stood before my deceased mother and placed her favorite flowers onto her tomb.

"It's been a while mom." Tears already threatened to fall from my eyes. "I've been so lost with out you." I kneeled in front of her marble casket, folding my arms and resting them on the cold marble. "I've found someone. I think you would really love her." I smiled through my tears. "But I really messed things up...Hey mom? Do you remember what you told me that night? It was the last thing you asked of me." I paused recalling the memories. "Please, follow your heart Quinn. Do what you think is right but over all you must fight for what you love..." I quoted her. "I tried fighting for her mom but all I did was make it worse. She doesn't want me anymore. She found someone else." I cried harder. "I don't know what to do mom. I feel like I'm dying whenever I see her so happy with Alexis. I want to be that for her. I want to give and be her happiness again. Mom, I need your guidance. I don't know what to do." My voice trembled.

I kneeled there crying into my forearms and wished that my mom was still alive. I remembered the reason the investigators came up for her death. They pronounced it as a hit and run. But I knew was my father. He was extremely drunk that night and I got into an argument with him. It resulted in me running away from home. Both my parents chased after me that night...but each had different intentions. My father would have killed me in cold blood that night if it wasn't for my mom. And even with that, mom still told me that my father loved me. She wasted that last bit of energy she had to say such a lie.

The anger that welled up with in me began to fade when I thought of what my mom would most likely tell me in this situation. "Do what you think is right Quinn. Let your love be your strength and fuel your courage."

I stood up and wiped the fallen tears from my eyes. I looked down and my mom's final resting place and laid a light kiss on the cold marble that enclosed her.

"I love you mom." I began. "I promise, I'll make things right."


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