Ch. 8: Sharing is Caring

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**A/N: OH! make sure you read the dialogue in between the stanzas of the songs!

Vanessa's POV:

It has been several months since Quinn and I met and we've been going strong ever since. In classical lesbian U-haul fashion, I practically live in her home with her and I wouldn't change a thing. I love how happy she makes me. I just wish my family were still here to see how wonderful she is.


I awoke to the smell of coffee filling my nose and smiled, knowing Quinn would be the first face I see before opening my eyes and getting out of bed. I walked into the bathroom, showered, brushed my teeth, etc.

Feeling refreshed I slipped on some running shorts and a soft tee before leaving our room. I made my way down the hall to the kitchen to find Quinn dancing along to "Wake me up" by avicii while she made breakfast and coffee.

She smiled brightly when she noticed my presence, "Morning baby!" she cheered.

"Morning!" I smiled and walked over to her to peck her lips, "Why are you up so early, babe?" I asked as I snagged a slice of toast from the plate she was preparing.

"Hey! I wasn't done preparing that!" she pouted, "Oh and I got up early to make us breakfast before work." she blushed and finished plating all the food.

"Awh thanks baby!" I smiled and wrapped my arms around her shoulders and placed a loving kiss on her lips. "You're so sweet."

We kissed for a good few minutes until I felt my stomach grumble then I started to pull away. Just when our lips started to part she cupped my face and pulled me back to her.

"No, no, no." she smiled into the kiss. "You're not getting away that easily." She crashed our lips together.

The kiss got heated and she lifted me up onto the marble countertop. I tangled my fingers in her hair and tightened my legs around her waist, which I could tell was getting her hot. She pulled my hips as close to her as possible then snaked her hands up my back and received a small moan from me that made her smile.

"Mmm baby." she moaned seductively into my mouth. "Why are your lips so addicting??"

"Can't get enough?" I teased.

"No, I really can't." She said seriously against my lips. "But I can try." She kissed my passionately.

She lifted up my shirt to run her hand down my stomach but just as her hand reached the middle of my stomach...there was a loud growl. My face turned bright pink and she began to laugh hysterically.

"Awwh someone's hungry." She teased and continued to laugh.

"You're the one depriving me of food!" I pouted, hopped off the counter, took the plate she prepared for me, and sat down at the table.

"Baby no! Don't give me that!" she gave me the puppy dog face and kneeled next to my chair.

Even though she knew I was playing around I hated seeing her look sad. And I was definitely had a bit of a Hangry attitude with her. I turned to her and placed a soft kiss on her lips and slowly pulled away.

"Forgiven." I smiled and continued to eat my breakfast.

She got her plate and sat in the chair across from me and began to eat her breakfast.

"So Valentine's day is coming up." She stated. "I was thinking we could go to Benny's."

"The place where we had our first date?" she caught my attention.

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