Untitled Part 32

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So that's how they ended up in the bathroom, yoongi putting on some gloves and taking the black dye from the counter.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked for the nth time, still not believing that jimin wanted to get rid of his blonde hair.

He received a nod in return from the elder, pacing over to him and taking his shirt off.

"Since I was little," he started explaining, sitting on a chair in the middle of the bathroom, "I feared that I would be like my father when I grew up." Jimin smiled up at yoongi, grabbing his hips and pulling him closer. "And I've done everything in my power to escape that future. I started studying like crazy, I changed friends, I left my house as much as possible, always trying to be occupied, I dyed my hair." Yoongi was hit with realization. He understood why jimin did everything that he had done since then, and he didn't judge any of it. "My mother always told me I looked good with my natural hair, I guess dying it blonde was my way of also getting rid of her memories."

"Why are you changing it now, then?" Yoongi asked, genuinely curious.

"Because I can't keep running away from everything." A little smile formed on jimin's lips, mirroring yoongi's. "Changing who I am is not the solution."

"Okay, baby." Yoongi got behind the younger and brushed his hair, taking a long breath in and looking at jimin through the mirror before drizzling the black dye on his locks, the blonde being quickly covered by the dark color.

There was no turning back.

"Have you ever thought of dying your hair blonde?" Jimin proposed as he let the elder do the work, observing him through the large mirror.

"Me? Blonde?" Yoongi laughed, making sure to reach the roots and the nape.

"Yeah. I think it would suit you."

"I don't think so." The elder replied, staring at jimin for a moment as if the only proposition was ridiculous.

"Why not?"

"I like dark. Blonde is too much...soft."

Jimin raised an eyebrow and shook his head, making yoongi complain while he still had the brush on his hand.

"Have you...um- have you had sex with a lot of people?" The younger's cheeks burned when he let out the question, biting his lip nervously afterwards.

"What does it matter?" Yoongi replied, looking quite curious at jimin's state.

"It doesn't. I just...I'm...curious?" The elder found his stuttering quite cute, so he smiled before nodding slowly.

"I guess I've had a lot of sex. But it's different with each person." He reasoned, not knowing that there was a pressure inside jimin's chest at the confession. "You must have felt it too with the girls you've been with."

"For me it was always the same." Yoongi tried to hide his blush and smile when he noticed jimin was talking in past, as if those girls weren't part of his life anymore. "I don't really understand why I kept doing it when it wasn't pleasurable for me." He thought out loud, confessing his deepest thoughts to yoongi . "It was so hard for me to cum, I just... forced myself to do it."

"Um...when you're with me...do you- do you also force yourself?" Yoongi had to ask even though he was almost sure of the answer, but it was a relief to see jimin shaking his head and frowning at the question, as if it was ridiculous.

"I don't. I think my problem is the other way around when I'm with you, actually." Noticing what he had just said, jimin's eyes widened, clearing his throat and looking everywhere but at yoongi , who was smiling from ear to ear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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