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y/n was just roaming around Park Mansion, she have no restrictions there . jimin warned everyone that don't ever stop her from doing anything. she has every right inside there .. 

This was her 3 months  after marriage... jimin has already gone for his work, she is not feeling well so she is now resting home, the matter is she slipped in the bathroom and her one hand is fractured,

 not a big deal but jimin insists her to take rest .. there is only a small bandage but he is not letting her she just agrees to him

After roaming around she thought to read something, it's been ages since she read something 

She went to the library but the maids were cleaning there so she didn't bother them, she excused herself and went to her room, on walking towards her room ... 

she remember jimin saying he have a collection of books in his room. so she walked towards his room

it was well cleaned ,there is a huge shelf behind his cabinet , bit far from his bed ..she walked and caress her finger on every each book  to choose one.. 

Suddenly a book caught her attention , a book have no name ..she took it , then she realize that it was a DIARY 

she thought to place that on the shelf back but a photocard fall inside from it 

She took it from the floor , she frown seeing jimin with another girl, jimin is wrapping his hand on her shoulder and looking her in eyes while she was unware and posing cutely with peace .. she is gorgeous even with a simple oversize t-shirt and blue jeans.. it seems like they are sitting in a garden  

"Who is she?" she thought 

"maybe one of  his friend" 

She shrug off and open that book to place  the photo back but she noticed a sentence from that book

"'MY STORY' begins from here "

she frown ..

after a 15 mints of thinking she decided to read it ,she know it was his personal thing but she is sure he will never scold her for this ..

She went her room and set her in a comfy position and open the book on the first page 

"1 -6 -2013" 

It was the date 

She began to read it , it was all his bullying high school time story ..she laughed reading it 

'he used to be a brat like bully ..?' she thought ..

But it was not that detailed just bullies name and their punishment and his hilarious thoughts that will sure make him cring now.. she laughed at all those

the dates are not in order ,now she is reading 4\6\13 and the next page is 28\7\13 

After a very small flips she reach a colurfull page 

"MY STORY begins from here"

she frown and just flips the pages, from there to  every each page have ordered dates ..she become curious and read it 

Ae-Eunji Who she think she is ..that sticky girl , she don't know with whom she is messing with ..i will sure show that bitch what would happen if she mess with me ..with PARK JIMIN 

It was the first line .. y/n become more curios 

(In short )

She reads the whole diary it was jimin's past story 

the story begins in 2013 , that when he was on  his high  school there come a new admission in his class and that was EUNJI . 

he was the king of the school as well park owns that school so everyone fear him , no one can go against him and that's the first time he is getting attack by a mere middle class girl 

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