Chapter 17 Changes

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It's been two months. Since that day at the airport. That day where I lost a best friend. That day where things started to change. That day that I will always regret. But hey things happen for a reason right? Bullshit is what my heart says but the brain is telling me to let it go and agree. I tried everything.. Calling, texting, and even trying to webcam but nope. I guess I deserved it. That day after the airport, everyone left and just left me there. They didn't even offer me a ride, but then again, I deserved it. My mother came for me and I told her everything and by everything I meant EVERYTHING. Yeah she was shocked but then she accepted what happened happened and told me I was an idiot for not accepting Zayn's apology. For New Years. Just stayed at home, in my room, staring at my wall and pumping up some Coldplay. When school started, nobody talked to me except Cher, but as the days went by I got tired of the silence and let everything out which led me into tears. Everyone just agreed that was exactly what they wanted to hear from my mouth.... An apology.

On his birthday I tried calling him but he didnt answer. On Facebook, he made a video thanking everyone but I couldn't see it cuz he blocked me. Valentine's was eh okay. Nothing really happened except for an extreme make out session with Cher but let's not get too detaily with that. One day I found out that everyone had contact with Zayn and I found out the reason why he doesn't reply to any messages. He changed everything from phone number to email address. He didn't want anyone telling me any of this new info and I just understood, I didn't want anymore drama.

It was already the first of March and it was a Friday also so finally school is out. I got home to see some men carrying some stuff upstairs. My mom was in the kitchen with my brothers.

'Mom... What are those men doing here?' I ask confused.

'They're taking a few things to your room.'


'Zayn's old piano and guitar' she says quickly while sipping on some Jamba Juice.

'Woah woah woah... WHAT!' I say.

'Yah' she says while turning around and grabbing a paper, then handing it to me.

I look at it.

'Nathan' is written on it and I could tell its Zayn's writing.

'Did you...?' I start to ask.

'No I had a letter on my own, just read it later, right now just go enjoy your new instruments'

'Okay thanks?' I say as I head to my room.

I run upstairs and see the men set down the piano.

'Thanks guys, my moms downstairs and will attend to you now get out! I say pushing them out the door and slamming it. I ripped open the letter.

'Dear Nathan, well I'm most likely gone now and my parents didn't have any room to put my instruments so I decided to just give them to you. Even though you were/are an asshole, you still deserve them. So take good care of them. Right now I have no meaning to talk or resolve anything at the moment cuz I'm happy here in London with Perrie. I made new friends already at this prep school. I doubt you even care so I'll stop there. Oh and I hope you go through the pain I went through, you deserve it.

Sincerely, Zayn'

After reading that letter, I was both mad and sad, as I read the last few lines, I felt tears going down my cheeks. He basically just told me he hopes that I rot in hell. That surely is comforting. I felt like punching random things again but then I realized that I have the piano, should I break the crap out of it until its just dust or throw it out the window. No, the only way is playing it. That night I just played and sang random slow and depressing songs for the moment. Starting tomorrow, Zayn Malik will be dead to me.

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