Chapter 11 Secrets

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Sarah and Harry were still kissing. You could feel the moment they were having. Two teens so both love with each other finally kissing. Sarah was the first to stop. She was just staring into Harry's eyes. When I thought they were gonna hug, Sarah instead runs out of the line for the ride.

'Crap..' I say

I nod my head to Chinny and we run out after her.

'Wait!' Harry screams following.

'Chinny you follow Sarah and I'll catch up alright? I need to talk to Harry first' I say

She runs off to follow Sarah.

I stop which causes Harry to stop also.

'Come on I need to talk to her!' He exclaims

'Not yet Harry, she doesn't know what's going on.'

'What do you mean?'

'Look I'll let her explain it to you .. Just give her some time.'

'Alright' he says

He runs off and goes back to the line to go on the ride.

I run towards the way I saw Chinny and Sarah run. I see that they are both sitting outside the restrooms on a bench. I could see tears in her eyes.

'What's wrong? Didnt you want this to happen?' For him to like you?'

'I do it's just.... I can't right now. My brain is telling me its just a game but my heart is falling for the kiss faster than my grades getting low'

'Sarah, the right thing to do here is talk to him and make sure of things so both of you can be happy' Chinny suggests.

'Chinny's right Sarah... Here's a deal. You talk to him ALONE. And we will keep the others away for a while alright?' I ask

Sarah wipes away her tears and nods.

'Alright come on let's go' I say

We walk back to the line and wait for the others to get off. They all come out dizzy and at the point of vomiting.

'Niall? You okay ?' Gisell asks

'Sorta... Just a little dazed.' He replies.

I see Harry staring at Sarah who's trying to avoid his eyes.

'Umm guys let's go on Windseeker and then we can go home yeah?' I suggest.

'What about Harry and Sarah?' Niall asks

'They need to talk lets go'

They all agree and we get in line for the ride.

'Ahh I'm not going on that!' Perrie exclaims

'Come on babe it's not that bad' Zayn says to comfort her.

'Yeah it's just 300 feet in the air' Louis says.

Zayn turns around and gives Louis a sharp stare causing Louis to do the zip the mouth manure.

'Please Zayn, Ill just go take a potty break while you guys go on it.' Perrie says and gives Zayn a peck on the cheek and runs towards the restroom. Once in the front, the worker tells us we need to pair up into twos. The couples of course would be together while Zayn and Chinny go together and Louis and I go together.

'Whooo let's go!' Louis yells as he runs to our cart.

'Good luck!' I hear Zayn say

The ride starts and the carts go up. I clench the bars so hard I could see the white on my knuckles. I wasnt a height person but I had to do it for Sarah and Harry, I couldn't let two people who secretly love each other slowly fall apart.

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