Chapter 28 Nightmares

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Background Music: Breathe Me by Sia


'What do you mean you're in the hospital Niall?! What happened?!'

'Liam just calm down and tell everyone to come to the hospital. I'll explain everything here.' I said through the phone.

I hung up and put my phone away and wiped away some tears slowly falling down to my face. 

Why would Nate try to commit suicide? Is he really this hurt. Damn it. Why me?

'Don't worry young man, your friend is gonna be fine. It's a good thing you got there in time or else he would of been a goner.' A nurse tells me.

I cant even imagine what would it be like to have that guilt inside of you. Having your conscience telling you its your fault that a close friend died because of you is unbearable. I ruffled my hair and decided to get some soda down at the cafeteria.

Once heading back up, I notice everyone running into the lobby. I hold the elevator door open for them. We all huddle in and once the door closes, the questions fly by.

After what seems to be a billion questions, I blurt out, 'Just shut up and let me explain in Nate's room upstairs!' Everyone gets quiet and stays quiet for the rest of the walk to Nathan's room. We enter the room and there's a nurse.

"He may be waking up soon and when he does, please encourage him to eat this soup I left for him. He needs to create more blood cells as soon as possible.' the nurse tells us.

'Thanks m'am.' I say as she exits the room.

i sit down and look at everyone staring up at me.

"Ok then.... Well Nathan and I were just hanging out, watching Tv and all of a sudden, my stomach growled.'

'Typical Niall' Harry interrupts but is then punched in the arm by Sarah.

'Thank you Sarah. As I was saying, Nate suggested that I go to Mcdonald's and get us some grub and he wanted some too.'

Everyone gasped.

'He wanted OUTSIDE FOOD?' Sarah asked.

'Surprisingly yes. Anyways continuing the story, I went to go get the food and when I got back, all the lights were off. I turned all the lights back on and when I went to the room, there was a phrase on the wall written on what I was hoping for was ketchup, but was really blood. The phrase said, "WHAT'S THE POINT OF LIVING IF THE ONES YOU LOVE ARE GONE.'' From there, I saw the bathroom lights on and swung the door open. And that's when I saw... when I saw Nate unconscious on the floor with blood all over his wrists. I called 911 and then we came here. Nate needed an emergency blood transfusion and thankfully, there was blood of Nathan's type in the blood bank.

It was quiet for a while. I noticed everyone's saddened face.

'I'm sorry guys, this was all my fault..... I could of prevented it if I didn't go to get the damn food or I could of just taken him with me, but noooo. Stupid Niall had to take his hungry selfish ass and get fucken food.'

'Niall please calm down.... It's not your fault. It's all of our fault.' Danielle says.

'How is it-' I start to say but then interrupted by Chinny.

'She's right you know. Nathan's suicide attempt shows us that we haven't been there for him or listening to him. He's missing something and thankfully, I noticed that missing something and it should get here at any minute.' Chinny says.

That surely left everyone confused. But still, I am to blame for Nate's incident.


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