Chapter 29 True Friends

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Background Music: Where You Belong by Kari Kimmel


'Zayn! No please I'm begging you please don't take him!' Perrie yells in exaggeration to the officer taking Zayn away.

'M'am please let go!' The officer said as he shoved Perrie, making her fall to the floor. She started crying. I was still in shock that Zayn would push me. Part of me is happy that he is going to jail. But the other part is slapping me for thinking that. I honestly don't know what to do or even think.

'Can you get up?' I hear Sarah ask.

'Uh yeah,' I reply.

I get up and see that Danielle and Liam are comforting Perrie.

Everyone else gathers around Nate.

'I-I have no words right now,' Nate says.

Perrie stands up and gives an intense stare to all of us.

'So you're not gonna do anything?! You're just gonna let Zayn go to jail for nothing!' Perrie starts to yell.

'No! Of course not. Zayn is one of us, we just have discuss why he would be blamed for such bullshit,' Harry tells her.

'Hmph bullshit. Zayn came here to help fucken Nate and Nate is just there laying down like he doesn't give a shit and especially everyone else in this room. This wouldn't happen if Niall wasn't such a selfish piece of-' Perrie says but I decide to just slap the shit out if her.

'Ah.... What the fuc-' Perrie starts to say but is then interrupted again.

'You have no fucken right to be pointing fingers or judging us alright Edwards! We have been in more shit than you will ever experience in your whole fucken lifetime. So if you can please leave the room so we can talk without being interrupted by a tramp like you!' I tell Perrie.

She rubs her cheek and leaves the room.

'I was about to give her a good smacking myself but you did it for me,' Eleanor tells me

'No that that's over with.. So who do you guy's think it is?' I ask.

Everyone gives me an "Are you stupid or what" stare.

'Oh... Oscar? But how, he got arrested for real this time?' I ask.

'He was arrested last time too and he managed to shoot you and Sarah.' Liam reminds us.

'Wow, you guys have really had it rough with this Oscar guy,' Eleanor says.

'Ha babe you have nooooo idea' Louis tells her.

As everyone continues chattering, I notice Nate just stand up and just starts walking towards the door.

'Nate.. Where you going?' I ask.

He stops at the door, wincing in pain. He then collapses to the floor.

Harry and Louis help him up.

'Nate, where were you planning on going?' Sarah asks him.

'I-I can't stay here. I have to help my.... My friend.' He says looking up, still wincing in pain as he is escorted back to his bed.

'You know you can't be moving alot right. Your body is barely getting used to your new blood.' Liam says.

Everyone continues to scold him but me. I felt like he was gonna burst and he did.

'Stop treating me like a kid! I know I fucked up and I always have messed up but stop treating me like I'm useless and you need to hold my hand all the time. I hate being a waste of your guy's time. Yes I know I can't move alot right now but I can't just sit here and expect Zayn to come back! He's been framed and we have to help him, no matter what he did to Chinny and Niall minutes ago because he was doing it for a friend. He was worried.... Angry. So please don't be mad at him.... Be mad at me for causing all of this... It wouldn't have happened if I didn't fucken cut myself, but no... Stupid Nathan had to ruin the day and cause more problems.'

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