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Olivia's P.O.V

It's been a month since Spencer and I separated, and if I'm being honest, I do miss him. But I still don't understand why he cheated on me again.

As I was getting ready for work, I grabbed one of my shoes from underneath my bed, only to find another letter Spencer had written me. The date he wrote it was actually just a few days before I returned home.

Dear Olivia,

I can't believe we're getting close to the end of three months. I haven't been able to sleep all these nights because I can't stop thinking about you. Every time I look into Gianna's and Kiara's beautiful brown eyes, I see their mother. She is the woman who gave me the greatest gift I could ever ask for, and that's me being a father to our amazing girls. We've had a lot of great family moments together, and I would do anything to go back because now shit has been crazy without you.

These past few months I felt all alone. At times I felt like I was useless to everyone, including you. Which is why I stayed away from visiting you in rehab. I didn't want to bring any negative vibes to you. I wanted you to stay on track and make it back home to us. Luckily these letters I've written have helped me with my emotions because who knows where I would be right now.  I can't wait to see you again Liv, and for us to be better because my life is not complete without you.

I know we have some things to work on, but sometimes I feel like earning your love again is a privilege I don't deserve. If Corey were here, he'd tell me to do better than he did. I pray that you find it in your heart to forgive me for all the pain I caused. If I'm too late, just know that you will always be the love of my life; forever and always.

Love, Spencer

Reading this letter has brought me mixed emotions because I initially pictured Spencer as the man I love, but when I saw him in his condo with another woman half-naked, it was all a lie.

I will admit my emotions got the best of me, but Spencer and I owe each other an honest conversation. I don't want to be the same Olivia he saw when the cheating scandal happened, so I'll at least hear him out.

As the girls and I headed out, I shot Spencer a text message saying that we should about what happened that day.
Spencer's P.O.V

I know being separated from Liv hurts like a motherfucker, but I was hoping practice could take my mind off of it, but unfortunately, that wasn't the answer. My knee hasn't gotten back to what it used to be. I thought I could run routes like I normally do, but I couldn't.

What if there's another setback? I made my way to the car when I heard someone call my name.

"Hey, Spencer." Jordan said walking in my direction

"What do you want Jordan? Are you here to insult me some more? Liv and I are separating. I know you and rest of family are thrilled so no need to rub it in some more." I said to him as I gathered my things and headed for the exit.

"That's not entirely true Spencer." I heard another familiar voice as he walked up to me. "We were all hurting when news broke out about Liv and we took it out on you. We're really sorry for what we did.

"Look Coach Baker, I understand that you guys were worried about Liv. As her husband, I handled my situation poorly and will admit to playing a part in her relapsing, but she's better now, and she didn't want anything to do with me because she thought I cheated on her again."

"It did look like it, Spencer. I was there with her."

"Come on Jordan. I've known Liv since we were teenagers. We were there for each other at our highest and lowest; even when things seemed impossible, we always managed to get back the spark that was never lost between us. Both of you should know that. I'm Shay's and Jamila's godfather Jordan. I would never intentionally do anything that would hurt the family"

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