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Spencer's P.O.V

After getting a call from Coop, it sounded like an emergency so I had to end my date with Alicia and rush over to my house to figure out what was going on. I just hope it has nothing to do with the kids.

"Hey, Spence. Thanks for coming on short notice. For a second I thought you weren't going to come." Coop said.

"Yeah, I wasn't earlier. What's the big emergency Coop?" I asked.

"Damn, bro. Are you good? What's up with you?"

"Well if you must know, I was out with Alicia and wanted to ask her to be my girl officially."

"Shit Spence. You moved on just like that. What about Liv?"

"Liv will always be my first love. She gave me the greatest gift I could've asked for."

"What's that?"

"Me being a father. Gianna and Kiara are my world. I'll always have love for Liv because she is the mother of my children."

", that's kinda why I needed to talk to you."

"Kinda? Coop, what's going on?"

"It's Liv. She's pregnant with your child."

I looked at her for a few seconds in disbelief.

"Spence? Do you need a minute?"

"No." I processed what Coop said. "How? When did..." I was cut off when the math added up. "Fuck!"

"What is it, Spence?"

"Liv and I had sex the night of the Super Bowl. But Coop, how did you know Liv was pregnant?"

"She told the vortex."

"She told everyone about the pregnancy but me?"

"Yeah, it was her intention."

"Wait. What did you say?"

"She meant to keep the pregnancy a secret."

"Why would she do that?"

"Spencer. When you guys had sex and it was the following morning, you hurt her when you said 'Us sleeping together was a mistake'."

"So this is payback?"

"Looks that way. And Spencer, you better prepare yourself for what's coming."

"There's more? What now?"

"If and when you guys officially file for divorce, she's going to do everything she can to take away Gianna and Kiara from you."

"Wow. So this is how she wants to play?" Coop shrugged her shoulders. "Olivia wants a war, fine, but I'm not going down without a fight. She has no idea what's coming to her."

"Spence, normally I would tell you to fight for what's yours, but you have to be careful on this one. Liv is still pregnant with your child and the last you want is to hurt or stress her out with this legal shit."

"That's not how this works Coop. You can't tell me that Liv is trying to fuck with my life and I have to go and play nice with her just because she's pregnant. It doesn't make any fucking difference. The next thing you know she'll probably tell the world I'm a deadbeat Dad. I have never put my kids in harm's way. Olivia should know that better than anybody."

"Just be careful, Spence. There's going back if you do this."

"I know. Good looking out Coop."
Olivia's P.O.V

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