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Spencer's P.O.V

After I told Liv that I was getting married to Alicia, we've been avoiding each other but still co-parenting.

I know Liv has been through a lot, but I didn't want to bring up my engagement at the same time when she told me about Malakai. Had I done that, I would have made things a lot worse.

I got to the house to pick up the kids for the wedding ceremony rehearsal as they were going to be the flower girls.

"Hello, anyone hear?" I asked.

"Hey, Spencer." Liv said.

"Are the girls ready?"

"Yeah. They should down any minute."

"Thank you again for letting them be a part of the wedding."

"For sure."

"Liv I'm sorry that-" I cut off Spencer.

"Spencer, please don't."

"I was going to tell you Liv, but after the news broke out about Malakai and how violent he was, I wanted to make sure you and the kids were ok. I didn't want to throw the engagement on you while you were dealing with everything else."

"How noble of you Spencer." Liv said sarcastically. "You know it's funny, even being divorced, I still have feelings for you Spencer. You were the man I fell in love with these past couple of weeks, but I knew it would be too good to be true if you still felt the same way deep down. Now I have my answer. Just make sure that you're honest with her and never give her a reason to doubt you. Like I did."

"Liv-" I was cut off when Gianna and Kiara walked downstairs.

"Daddy!" They yelled and smiled at the same time.

"Hey. You girls ready?"


"I'll drop them off at your parents' house after the rehearsal."


"I'll see you-" Liv closed the door in my face without letting me say goodbye.

I know I hurt Liv by telling her about the engagement, but she deserved to know the truth. But what was it worth it now? Because from the looks of it, she hates my guts.
Olivia's P.O.V

Simone came over to the house to see how I was doing with my pregnancy and I filled her in with my conversation with Spencer.

"Girl, I can't believe he is marrying Alicia." Simone said to me.

"Hey, it is what it is. Spencer made his choice. I guess I'm not good enough for him."

"Don't say that Liv. You are more than enough. If anyone isn't good enough, it's Spencer because he is a dumbass for rushing into another marriage, and having the wedding while you are carrying his babies."

"But that's the thing, Simone. No matter what he did, I always loved him, even when he didn't feel the same way."

"Did he tell you that he didn't feel the same way?"

"He didn't have to. The moment he said he was engaged to Alicia, told me everything he felt."

"I'm sorry Liv. I was always rooting for you and Spencer."

"It's fine. I'm not gonna stand in his way anymore. Alicia can have Spencer. I'm done with him."

As I was walking through the hallway, I saw an old picture frame of me and Spencer, and it broke my heart when we were happy and in love with each other, now we're divorced, co-parenting our daughters, and I'm a single mother who is pregnant by her ex-husband while he is starting his life with someone else. Who knew something beautiful would turn into something ugly.

Without hesitation, I grabbed the picture frame, slammed it on the ground, and screamed.

Simone heard the noise and ran to me as she saw me sitting on the floor holding my knees crying with everything that I was dealing with.

"I got you, Liv. I got you."

Simone hugged me while I hugged her back and cried on her shoulder.

Later that night....

I was sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden I heard a knock on the door. When I looked at my phone, I saw it was three in the morning and I couldn't believe the nerve of this person knocking on my door at this time of night.

"Who is it?!?!" I yelled.

"It's your husband." The mystery man said as I looked confused.

When I looked through the peephole, I saw it was Spencer at the front door.

I opened the door and Spencer immediately walked in.

"Hey, Liv."

"Spencer, what are doing here? It's three o'clock in the morning."

"What are you doing here? Man, you should've been at my bachelor party. Them strippers was sexy!"


"But not as sexy as you, baby. Even sexier when you are having my babies."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Spencer, go home."

"What? I'm home. I'm home. My home is with you, Liv."

"No, your home is with Alicia."

"Alicia? I don't love Alicia. I ain't got no business with Alicia."

Spencer made his way to the cough. "Ooh, come here, come here, come here."

I walked towards him. "Come on, little mama! Come snuggle up next to Big Papa!"

"Spencer Alonzo are drunk."

"Yeah, I'm drunk. I'm drunk in love with Liv. Liv! Liv! Liv! Mm, it's always been you, Liv. You know we belong together. I love you, Liv."

I walked towards Spencer trying to help him up. "Spencer come on let's go-" I was cut off when Spencer took me by surprise when he kissed me with passion and without thinking about it, I kissed him back not wanting him to stop.
How was that for a surprise? A lot of emotions for sure. Liv tells Simone she is done with Spencer for good, but a drunk Spencer confesses his feelings for Liv and kisses her without hesitation, and now Liv might be having a change of heart. Do you think Spencer will still go through with the wedding and marry Alicia? Please excuse any mistakes. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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