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Olivia's P.O.V

A/N: Shout out to @TayDonn09 for helping me with this chapter.

Malakai and I drove to my parent's house for Memorial Day weekend. I hope they approve of Malakai because if everyone likes him, I think Gianna and Kiara will like him too.

"You nervous?" I asked Malakai.

"No." He said but I could tell he was lying.

I grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes. "Hey. Just relax and be yourself. They're gonna love you."

"All right."

"There she is. My baby girl." My Dad greeted me with a hug.

"Olivia!! Sweetie, it's good to see you." My Mom said to me as she turned her direction towards Malakai. "Hello."

"Mom, Dad, this is Malakai."

"It's so nice to meet you, Malakai. Glad you could make it."

"Mrs. Baker, the pleasure is all mine." Malakai said and handed my Mom a bouquet of flowers.

"These are gorgeous."

Malakai turned to my Dad offering to shake his hand. "Mr. Baker-" He was cut off by my Mom.

"Oh please. Laura and Billy." My Dad was giving Malakai a death stare.

"Um...let's go inside and put these flowers in some water." We walked inside while Malakai and Billy were still staring at each other and eventually made their way in.

A Few Minutes Later....

"Do you like baseball?" My father asked Malakai.

"I love baseball. I played in high school."

"Oh yeah? What position?"


"Well then, I guess you won't mind watching today's game here."

"I wish I could, sir."

"What's going on in here?" I asked.

"Oh I was just asking Malakai if he wouldn't mind watching the Dodgers game here today, but he says he has other plans?"

"Plans?" I questioned him as he did not tell me about this.

"Well, it's just that I got these two tickets to the Dodgers game. The same game that's being played today, and I was wondering if you'd go with me." Malakai said pulling out the tickets and showing them to my Dad.

"Let me see those tickets." My Dad snatched them from Malakai's hand.

Malakai smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"These tickets are behind home plate."

"Front row."

My Dad was in shock.

"What do you say, Mr. Baker?"

"Son, you can call me Billy."

I smiled and from the looks of it, everything was going good so far.

A Few Hours Later....

"You think Dad likes him?" I asked my Mom.

"Mmm, probably likes him as much as he can like any guy that's interested in his baby girl." We both laughed. "You know, you haven't brought a guy here in a long time, last time that happened, it was when you were with Spencer."

"Yeah, but this time, it feels different." I paused for a second. "Hey Mom, can you a question?"


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