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Olivia's P.O.V

A Few Weeks Later....

After everything that went down with Spencer, he has made it clear that he wants out of this marriage. As heartbreaking as it is, I still love him.

Simone, Kia, Layla, and Patience came to my rescue when I told them everything that happened. They all made sure that me and my girls were good.

As I walked downstairs, I saw the vortex (everyone except Spencer) made it out for an early breakfast.

"Hey, sis. Perfect timing. Made some breakfast for you."

"Thank you, Simone. The girls and I really appreciate it."

"Of course! You know we got you."

"Wow. Simone, this looks-" I was cut off by the smell of food and ran to the bathroom.

Everyone heard me throwing up and Layla came in and held my hair back. "Let it out, Liv. I got you."

"Thanks, Layla."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just been feeling a little nauseous lately."

"How long have you been feeling like this?"

"Since last week. I thought it was just a stomach bug or something, but I guess that's not the problem." I paused for a second thinking to myself. "Hey, what's today?"


"Shit. I'm late."

"No. Olivia, are you saying that you might be pregnant?"


"But you were on the pill and Spencer used a condom, right?"

With no response given, everyone knew that we had unprotected sex and I could be expecting.

"Okay. I'm going to go to the pharmacy to pick up a pregnancy test." Simone said as I nodded my head.

A Few Hours Later....

I was pacing back and forth waiting for the timer to expire.

"I can't believe this. After everything Spencer and I have been through, are marriage is practically over and to top it all off, I might be pregnant with his child. What am I going to do?"

"Hey, Liv. Look at me. You got family here. You're not alone."

"Thanks, Jordan."

The timer went off and I picked up the pregnancy test looking at the results.

"What's it say, Liv?"

Tears welled up in my eyes and I dropped down to my knees. "I'm pregnant."

Everyone gathered around and comforted me.

"So when are you going to tell Spencer you're pregnant?" Coop asked.

"I'm not."

"What? Liv, are you crazy?"

"No. Spencer made quite clear that he doesn't want to be in this marriage anymore and he said us having sex was a mistake. So really, he's calling this baby a mistake. If that's how he feels, then fuck him."

"Liv, I think you should tell him. He deserves to know. He is the father after all."

"Hell no. Better yet. When we file for divorce, I'm also filing for full custody of our kids."

"Really, Liv? You would take away the kids from Spencer."

"He made this mess. Now he has to lie in it. If he wants to end our marriage, then he's going to get what's coming to him."
Spencer's P.O.V

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