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Spencer's P.O.V

These past few weeks have been amazing yet difficult, but it was no surprise. Liv and I have slowly continued to find our way back together.

We've been going to couples therapy and it's been getting better and better. Our communication has improved a lot lately. Liv has started trusting me more without hesitation, she knows how committed I am to our family, and I always tend to her every need during the pregnancy.

I told Liv I was committed to returning to where we once were, no matter how long it took. She even had me sleeping on the couch while she slept in the master bedroom, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

But one thing she made me do caught me off guard, but I didn't question it. Since I was with Alicia for over a year, she wanted me to get tested for an STI, HIV, or anything like that.


"You want me to do what?" I asked Liv.

"You heard me. I want you to get tested." Liv said to me. "I need to know if you slept with that bitch and if I have to worry about it. If it comes back positive, you are never having sex with me again."

"Olivia. I will get tested. But you can you please listen to what I have to say."


"All that time we were separated, divorced, and me being with Alicia, I never had sex with her. I know it's hard to believe, but it's the truth."

"And why should I believe you?"

"Because she's not you, Olivia. She's not you. When I told you moving on from you was because I was over you, it was a lie. I was still in love with you, and I still am. You always had my heart, I was just afraid you were going to hurt me again, but now I know being with is something I want to take a chance on again. And I meant it when I said I want to spend the rest of my life making up to you."

Liv was left speechless. " I wasn't expecting that confession, but it's a step in the right direction."

"Thank you, Liv. I'll schedule an appointment to be tested like you asked for."

End of Flashback

After I looked at the test results, it showed that it came back negative and I was telling Liv the truth the whole time.

When she saw the results, she felt embarrassed for not believing me, but I couldn't blame her for wanting to be sure.

"Hey, Spencer." I saw Liv come into the living room while I was watching TV.

"Hi, Liv. How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright."

"Here come sit down. Let me help you." I helped her make her way to the couch. "Everything ok?" I asked.

"Not really."

"What's wrong?"

"I have to confess something Spencer, but please promise me you won't get mad."

"I promise. Say what you need to say."

"Ever since I saw the results come back negative, I felt guilty because I doubted that they would come back negative."

"Liv, you had every right to be worried. We were still working on rebuilding our trust. I'm the one who walked away from our marriage, and I've regretted it every day since, and I hope we can get back there one day."

She grabbed my hand. "Me too."

"But Liv, I meant it when I said I didn't have sex with Alicia because she wasn't you. And if I'm being honest Liv, I did make it difficult for you to trust me again when we just got back together."

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