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Olivia's P.O.V

These past couple of days have felt like a dream that turned into a reality. I'm engaged to the love of my life and if it were up to me, I would marry Spencer because I wouldn't want to spend another minute not being his wife. However, the twins are coming soon, and I would want them to see me marry their father.

Simone and I were hanging out together with our kids at the house while Spencer and Jordan were at the Rams practice facility.

"Girl, I haven't seen you this happy in a really long time." Simone said to me.

"I know, but I can't help it. It's like one day Spencer and I were divorced and all hope seemed lost for us to get back together, and now we're engaged while our family is getting bigger." I responded while rubbing my stomach referring to the twins.

"Well I couldn't be happier for you, Liv. And for the record, I always knew Spencer would be the one for you, even when you guys were divorced. The love was never lost between you two."

"Appreciate that Simone."

Out of the blue, we heard a knock at the front door, and made my way towards it.

"Hello, can I help you?" I asked the female standing in front of me.

"Is Olivia Baker here?" The woman asked me.

"Yes. I'm Olivia Baker."

"This is for you." She hands me an envelope and walks away.

That was weird. A stranger comes to my house and hands me an envelope. I hope I'm not being served with court documents or anything like that.

"Liv, who was that?" Simone asked.

"I have no idea. It was a woman who handed me an envelope."

"Well open it."

"Okay." I opened the envelope and it was a letter.

Dear Olivia,

I hope you're enjoying Spencer as much as I did. You took him from me and you have no idea how much he meant to me. Luckily, I don't have to seek revenge on you because my work has already been done. If you look in the envelope, you'll see that I'm now a part of Spencer forever. Just so you know, I enjoyed every inch of Spencer when he was deep inside me while I screamed out his name and it didn't take long for him to cum deep inside my wet pussy. You may be the mother of his children, but so am I.

Rot in hell bitch,


This can't be. This bitch is just trying to upset me.

"Liv, who was the letter from?" Simone asked me while I was trying to process this news.

When I looked in the envelope, I saw a pregnancy test and the result was positive.

"No. It can't be. He promised me that he didn't sleep with her."

"Liv, what is it?"

"It's Alicia. She wrote me a letter saying she is pregnant with Spencer's baby." I show Simone the pregnancy test.

"Ok, Liv. Before you jump to conclusions again. Talk to Spencer about this. The last time you jumped to conclusions it cost you your marriage."

A few minutes later, we heard the front door open and it was Spencer and Jordan.

"Hey baby, how are you?" Spencer greeted me.

"Um Jordan, help me get the kids because we have to go." Simone said to him.

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