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Spencer's P.O.V

Liv and I were at the doctor's office for an ultrasound of our baby. I don't know why, but I'm nervous.

The last time Liv was pregnant she miscarried and given that we're divorced, I want this pregnancy to be a successful one.

The technician ran the ultrasound and the last time we were here for the first time in this pregnancy, the images were completely different.

"Liv, are you seeing what I'm seeing?" I asked her.

"I am." She responded. "We're having twins!" Liv said with excitement.

"Twins?" I was shocked.

"Spencer, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I can't believe this. We're going to welcome two babies to this world Liv." I smiled at her.

"Any concerns or anything like that?" Liv asked the technician.

"Nope. Right now I'm seeing two healthy heartbeats."

"What are the sexes?"

"Still too early to know, but by your second trimester, you should know."

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome."

The technician left and Liv got cleaned up.

"This is amazing Spencer." She looked at me knowing something was wrong as a tear fell from my face.

"Spencer. What's wrong?"

"Nothing Liv." I lied to her and she knew it.

"Spencer, out of the years we've been married, you don't think I can tell when you're lying to me?"

"Okay. Looking at this picture and everything that happened in the past made me realize how much I messed up in my life."

"What do you mean?"

"The morning after the night of the Super Bowl when we had sex, I told you it was a mistake between us, and now look at us, our family is getting bigger. But Liv, I need you to understand that I don't see these twins as a mistake or an accident. You know I spent a lot of nights wishing I could take back what I said, and don't blame if you still or won't forgive me."

"Spencer. Yes, what you did was wrong, but the thing is, I already forgave you. You're still the father of my children."

"Liv. I promise you I will love our twins unconditionally, and the same way I've loved Gianna and Kiara."

"I know you will, Spencer."

We drove back to the house from the doctor's office.

"Thanks for taking me to my ultrasound appointment again, Spencer."

"I told you. I'm always going to be here for you when it comes to our kids."

She smiled at me for a second. "So, are you still coming to pick up the girls on Saturday?"

"Yup. I will pick them up in the morning. Any plans this weekend? Doing anything special?"

"Well, I started seeing someone, and we're going out on a date."

"Oh. Good for you, Liv. Hope all goes well." I slightly smiled and waved goodbye to her.

As I drove back to my place, I was surprised Liv was seeing someone, but I had no right to be jealous or angry. It was my idea to file for divorce. My priority is our kids. If she's happy, then good for her. She deserves to be happy, even if it's not with me.
Olivia's P.O.V

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