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Olivia's P.O.V

It's been a few months since Spencer and I officially filed for divorce. Who knew that I would end up as a single mother, and at the same time, pregnant with his child? Simone and Jordan would come to check up on me from time to time.

There was one thing that everyone from the vortex has encouraged me to do lately, and that was getting back on the horse. I was hesitant about dating, but Simone kept telling me that no one would replace Spencer as Gianna's or Kiara's father. However, if Spencer could move with Alicia knowing that I was pregnant, then why couldn't I be happy? I didn't have any luck the first time, but that was then, and I won't know until I try again.

After finishing another article for the L.A. Times, I decided to meet Simone for brunch just to discuss how things have been, but also how she is feeling after giving birth to a beautiful baby girl. I couldn't believe Simone and Jordan had another baby, but I couldn't be happier for them. I couldn't wait for her to give me the details about my baby niece.

Once I arrived at the restaurant, I texted Simone I was hear and got us a table.

I see my waiter walk up to me, asking me what I would like to order. "Hello, ma'am. What can I get you started with?"

"Hello. Can I please get an orange juice and water?" I said.

"Coming right up."

A few minutes later, the waiter handed me my drinks as I was still waiting for Simone and texted her if she was on her way. As I finished my text, a stranger walked up to me.

"I want three reasons why I shouldn't buy you a drink." He says acting all confident.

Is this really happening? "Well, here's one reason. I already have one, but thanks." I said pointing to my orange juice.

I got a text from Simone apologizing to me saying that she had to cancel because Lauren got sick.

While I read the message, the guy was laughing and wouldn't leave me alone. "I like you. You're funny, but wait a minute." I start to ignore him by looking at my phone. "I said wait. Three reasons."

"Okay. Two. I'm waiting for someone. And three, please refer to two." I lied knowing I was not.

"Let me guess. Boyfriend?"

This motherfucker. If he wants to play, so be it. "As a matter of fact, yes! And if he finds me talking to you he's not going to be too happy."

"Hmm. Well, I think we should get out of here then."

"What?" I started to back away from him.

"I think you know what I'm talking about."

I was about to speak when another man walked to my table interrupting the conversation. "You've been waiting long." He said and was taken by surprise, but decided to play along.


"I'm sorry I'm late. You look beautiful." He smiles at me and then points his attention to the stranger. "Why are you still standing here?"

He steps closer. "Excuse me"

"I said why are you still standing here? Walk away." He continued staring. "Walk away."

"Whatever." He walked away and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Wow. I can't believe that just happened. My hero." I said to him.

"I'm Malakai." He offers me to shake his hand and I do so.

"Malakai. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome Ms.-" I cut him off as he did not know my name.

"Oh. I'm sorry. My name is Olivia Baker."

"Olivia. Nice to meet you. I hope you don't mind but I looked over at your table and it looked like you needed a little help."

"Well thank you. Let me at least buy you a drink or something for your help."

"Oh, you don't have to do that."

"I insist."

He smiled and sat down across from me and ordered him a drink.

A few minutes later, we both decided to order something to eat and started having a conversation. So far so good, but I'm not going to jinx it.

"So, Olivia Baker."

"Yes?" I smiled at him.

"No man in your life."

"Not anymore."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

"What happened? We both wanted different things. I wanted to fight for our marriage, but he wasn't. Now things are more complicated between us."

"How so?"

"Before our divorce, we got caught up in the moment and one thing led to another. A few weeks later, I found out that I'm pregnant. So now I'm a single mother with two kids and now expecting another one, but it's ok."

"Is it?" Malakai asked me.

You know it's been a while since someone has asked me that question.

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself Olivia. Any man would be lucky to have you in their life. It's his loss."

"Thank you, Malakai. Sometimes I wish it was simple."

He smiled and held my hand.

"It can be, if the right man came along and was willing to put in the work, knowing what he and his partner both want."

After brunch, we took a walk down the park getting to know each other.

"So enough about me. Tell me about you."

"Well. I'm a single man. No children. I specialize in corporate espionage and network protection."

"Oh. So you're a tech guy."

"I guess you can say that, but in all honestly, I get a lot of satisfaction knowing my clients feel secure and safe."

"I can see you'd be good at that."

"Thank you."

We finally made it to my car and I was about to say goodbye to him until Malakai stopped me. "Olivia, hold on." He says and pulls out his card handing it to me. "No pressure. But I would like to see it again."

"What happened to just today and today only?" I asked and smiled at him.

"I didn't know it would be a day like this. A day to remember." He said and started leaning in for a kiss.

I was hesitant at first, but the closer he got, I decided to take another chance.

Malakai cupped my face and kissed me with passion. At that moment, I didn't want him to stop, but he was a gentleman and pulled away.

For the first time, I felt safe and wanted. A man actually didn't bail on me because I was a single mother.

Malakai opened my car door for me. "Have a good rest of your day Olivia."

"You too, Malakai." I smiled at him and drove back home.

What a day to remember! Simone is gonna freak out when I tell her about the day I just had.
Now that Spencer has moved on, Simone has encouraged Liv to find love again. Enter Malakai. He sure saved Liv at brunch from that ass hole constantly hitting on her. How are we feeling about Malakai? Liv seems to like him. Who knows, maybe this will be the start of something new. What will happen next? Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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