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Spencer's P.O.V

After the whole fiasco at the hospital, it was good to hear that Gianna was doing much better. When I heard the news that my daughter was in the hospital, I thought it was the end of me. I wouldn't have lived with myself, but my baby girl is still here.

Liv and I still co-parent and have been civil with each other, but we have always avoided the elephant in the room because we don't want things blowing out of proportion.

As for my Mom, I still haven't patched things up with her. I know she has so much hate for me, but for her to say I was dead to her was a low blow.

I was at my condo watching film from the NFC championship game regarding the pros and cons of my performance and what I could do better for the Super Bowl against the Kansas City Chiefs. While I was going through it, I heard a knock on my door.

When I opened the front door, I was taken by surprise by who I saw.

"Hello, Spencer. Can I come in?" My Mom said to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Look you have every right to be mad at me for what I said, but please hear me out."

"Fine." I let her into my condo.

"I see you are prepping for the big game in a couple of weeks."

"Yeah. It's that time of year."

"Spencer, words can't describe how sorry I am for how I reacted to you. I reacted out of anger. I spent a lot of nights wishing I could take it back." My Mom said as she started to get emotional; and so did I.

"So am I really dead to you, Mom?"

"No. I was wrong. Regardless of what happens between us, good or bad, you are still my son." My Mom walked up and grabbed my hands. "Just like everyone else, I jumped to conclusions regarding Liv's relapsing instead of hearing you out. I made a terrible mistake. When I heard about Liv's relapse, I thought you had given up hope on your wife. This reminded me of my marriage with Corey when he gave up hope for me and our family. I was weak because when I had an affair with Billy, and it cost you and Dillion time with your father. Spencer, you are and will always be my firstborn son. I am so proud of the man you've become and you being a father to Gianna and Kiara, I couldn't be happier, and I know Corey would too. I'm so sorry Spencer." My Mom hugs me as her sign for forgiveness.

"You are my mother and will always have love for you no matter what. I already lost Corey when I was a kid, and when you said I was dead to you, I felt like I lost my mother for good and I was all alone."

"I know, and I will do whatever it takes to win back your trust and forgiveness."

"Mom, I've already forgiven you, but it's still going to take some for me to fully trust you. Just never give up on me again because nothing means more to me than family." I said as I opened my arms for her.

My Mom was in tears and walked up and hugged me. "Never Spencer."

We heard a knock on the door and when it was opened, it was Alicia.

"Hi Spencer...Oh, hi Ms. Grace, I didn't know you were here, I can come back another time." Alicia was about to walk out before my Mom stopped her.

"No. Alicia please. I'm actually glad you're here. I wanted to apologize for how I reacted, but I also want to thank you for saving my son's life that night." Ms. Grace said and hugged Alicia unexpectedly as she was starting to get emotional again.

"Oh, Ms. Grace. Of course. I'm happy Spencer is getting the help he needs, but also to let him know he is not alone."
Olivia's P.O.V

After Gianna had a seizure and recovered at the hospital, Spencer and I took Gianna to a neurologist regarding her seizure and what needs to be done for this kind of event to be prevented. The neurologist's main points were to make sure that Gianna was getting at least eight hours of sleep and that she was taking her medication.

I'm happy that our baby girl was going to be ok and that Spencer was making sure everything was good.

"Thanks for picking up Gianna's medication."

"Anytime." I saw Spencer walk out until I stopped him.

"Spencer, wait."


"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For jumping to conclusions about you and Alicia."

"Liv..." I cut him off.

"I was back into my old ways and thought you had given up on our marriage. Then not knowing you were in a dark place all alone when everyone was against you, including your Mom."

"For the record, that day you found Alicia half naked in my condo was her getting out of her clothes because I had accidentally spilled wine on her and I walked into my bedroom getting her a change of clothes. I promise you nothing happened. If you still can't believe me, I don't know what we're doing still married."

"Looking back at it, I was just scared you moved on so soon and cheated on me again. If I could, I would take it all back and at least hear you out."

"Also, Jordan and your Dad were the main reason why I didn't come visit you. They were the reason why I didn't come visit you in rehab because I was a shitty husband during my recovery. But don't blame them Liv, they were only looking out for you. I'm sorry for how I acted back then."

I looked at Spencer in shock regarding the news about Jordan and my Dad. "So where do we go from here?"
Spencer and Grace decided to patch things up, but it will take some time before Spencer can fully trust her. Grace started to warm up to Alicia as she was there for him as his friend. Spelivia are getting some things off their chest, but is it too late? Where will they go from here? Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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