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Spencer's P.O.V

After the whole family dinner that happened at the Bakers, I finally got the clarity I needed. Liv is happy and that's all I ever wanted for her as long as we see eye to eye when it comes to my kids.

But I have to admit, when Malakai was rubbing Liv's stomach at the dinner table and letting feel the twins kick really got to me. I know Liv said I would never be replaced and the kids' father, but it looked like she was trying to send me a message that night. Almost felt like a "fuck you" for all the shit you put me through.

Whatever she does with Malakai is her business. And as long as he doesn't put them in harm's way, then I'm good.

Speaking of happiness, Alicia has made me feel like I can be the best person that I can be. She has been there for me through the good and the bad, and I feel like I'm at a point in my life where I'm ready to take another big step.

Alicia and I were in Paris for a mini vacation and I thought this would be the perfect place to do what I've wanted to do for a while.

"Hey babe. I got a question." Alicia asked me.

"What's on your mind?" I said.

"Why do they call it the Love Lock Bridge?" (A/N: I know the Love Lock Bridge no longer exists in Paris, but we'll pretend that it does in this story. Lol)

"The reason why they call it a Love Lock Bridge is because it's a symbol that our love for each other will be locked forever."

"So you're saying our love is meant to be?"

"Every day and twice on Sunday."

I pull out our lock and hand it to Alicia.

"Oh my God, you customized our lock?"

"I sure did. You want to put it on the bridge?"


When Alicia locked it and threw the key into the river, we were about to head to the Eiffel Tower before I stopped her.

"Oh wait! Do you want to say a few words?"

Alicia chuckled and nodded her head. "Spencer, I'm happy to have you as my boyfriend and if I'm being honest, being with you saved my life. I love you, Spencer. I always have."

"I love you too, Alicia. And I'm hoping what I'm about to do next shows you that."

"Show me what?" Alicia asked wondering what would happen next.

I pulled out a small black box and opened it, then slowly got down on one knee.

When I finally got down on one knee, Alicia was speechless.

"Alicia, no words can describe how I feel about you. At first, I was just some guy you felt sorry for when I was at my worst, but you saw the good in me. You've supported me when we were friends turned boyfriend and girlfriend. You always make sure that Gianna and Kiara are a priority. You are everything that I ever wanted in a woman; someone who loves me for me. I'm in love with Alicia, and I can't imagine my life without you. I want to love, honor, and cherish you for the rest of my life, as your husband. With that being said, will you marry me?"

Alicia nodded her head as tears fell from her eyes.

"Is that a yes?" I asked.

"Yes, Spencer. I will marry you."

When Alicia agreed to marry me, it felt like a sigh of relief. I got up from the ground and kissed Alicia with passion.

I slid the engagement ring on Alicia's finger. "It's so beautiful Spencer."

"Here's to our future Mrs. James." I smiled, picked her up while she wrapped her legs around my waist and she cupped my face, kissing me with passion as if sparks were in the air.
Olivia's P.O.V

After another amazing date with Malakai, I think I may be ready to introduce him to Gianna and Kiara.

He already made a great impression on my friends and family. Even when Spencer showed up at the family dinner, Malakai kept his composure when it looked like Spencer wanted to kick his ass when he was only making sure that I was ok.

We were about to head back to his place but his car was almost running low on gas, so we decided to stop by a gas station.

"Hey babe, do you mind if I gas up really quick?"

"Not at all." I smiled and he leaned in for a kiss before getting out to pay.

"Oh, almost forgot to ask. You want anything from inside?"

"No thank you, babe. Thank you for asking me."

While I was in the car, I saw a stranger approach me from the driver's side of the car. "Beautiful. I've never seen one in such good condition before." At first, I thought he was talking about me, but I think he was talking about Malakai's car. "I mean maybe online or at a car show. How many miles does this Mustang have?"

"I have no idea. It's my boyfriend's car."

"Excuse me miss. Would you mind if I took a picture of this car? You see I've been wanting to restore one just like it."

"Um...I'm sure that's fine, but maybe ask my boyfriend when he..." I was cut off when Malakai grabbed him by the throat and threw him to the ground.

"Malakai!" I saw him punching the man. "Malakai!" The more I asked him to stop, the more he ignored me and continued to punch the man to a bloody pulp.

"Malakai, stop it! Stop it! Please!" Malakai then kicked him in the stomach. "Malakai!"

Then out of nowhere, we all heard a gunshot go off and it was the employee holding his gunshot pointing it at Malakai as a warning for him to knock it off or else he would shoot him.

"Get your hands off of him! Now!" Malakai backed away from here. "Get in the car!" He said to him.

I was left in shock when Malakai got my attention. "Get in the car!" Malakai yelled at me.

"I called the cops" The employee yelled at him, but Malakai stormed out of the gas station.

I was completely speechless as tears fell from my face. I can't believe Malakai physically abused that man at the gas station.

We drove back to his place in silence when he tried to get my attention.

"Liv..." I cut him off.

"Don't!" I pushed him away. "I don't even know who you are anymore."

"I love you."

We finally arrived at his house and I almost got out of the car before he got my attention again.

"Liv. Liv, wait! Just wait. Just wait. Please. Just close the door." I closed the door before he explained himself for his actions. "I've never done anything like that before. I swear. And I'm...I'm sorry if I scared you."

Without hesitation, I opened the door again. "I'm going home."

I got all my things together and drove back home thinking about everything that had just happened. I just saw another version of Malakai that I have never seen before, and I'm sure if I ever want to see him again.
Talk about a turn of events. Spencer asked Alicia to marry him, and she said yes. He sees a future with her and wouldn't want it any other way. Do you think Spencer is making a mistake? As for Olivia, she felt like she had finally found the perfect guy, but she witnessed Malakai's true colors and may have put herself and her babies in danger. What do you guys think will happen next for Liv?  Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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