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Spencer's P.O.V

Two Months Later....

Since I found out Liv had moved on from me, it was clear that we were headed for divorce, but I have yet to hear from her lawyer. Regardless, just because Liv has met someone, doesn't mean I have to be single.

Alicia and I have been kicking it lately, and I have to admit, I'm starting to have feelings for her. I think I'm gonna ask her out on a date.

After a great day walking together in the park, I walked Alicia to her door. I don't know why, but I was all nervous like a teenage boy.

"I had a great time Alicia." I said to her.

"Me too."

"There was something I wanted to ask you."

"What is it?"

"So you know how we've been kicking lately and having fun?"


"Well, I was wondering if you're not doing anything tomorrow night, would you care to join me on a real first date."

"What? But, what about Olivia? Your wife."

"Olivia has moved on from me. So from the looks of it, we're getting a divorce, and I need to move on Alicia. You've been here by my side at my highest and lowest, and I want to give this a shot, if you'll let me."

"I don't know Spencer. I just don't want to be known as your rebound girl."

"It's not even like that Alicia. I can't lie to myself, these past couple of months, the more we've hung out together, the more I've gotten closer to you. Look, if you're not ready and you just want to be friends for now, then I'm cool with it. I just needed to let you know how I felt."

I kissed Alicia good night on the forehead. After that, I headed to my car only to have her grab my arm and kiss me with passion.

I was caught off guard, but I didn't fight it as I kissed her back.

"Well. Um. That was unexpected." I said to Alicia as she smiled at me. "So is that a yes?"

Alicia giggled and nodded her head. "Yes, Spencer. I'll go on a date with you."

"Great. Tomorrow I'm going to be with my kids in the afternoon, but I'm going to drop them off at their mothers and will pick you up for a lovely dinner."

"I can't wait. I'll see you tomorrow Spencer."

"See you tomorrow Alicia." I said to her as I headed back to my condo.

The Next Morning....

I stopped by the house to see Liv and the kids, only to be taken by surprise when I saw Cam again.

"Yo Spence. What's up? How are you my guy?" Cam greeted me.

"I'm not your guy Cam. Even you stab me in the back." I said to him."

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Liv have been dating these past couple of months right?"

"What? Absolutely not! You guys are still married. I would never do you like that Spence."

I see Liv walking down the stairs.

"Spencer, what are you doing here?" Liv says to me.

"I told you I was going to come by and pick up the girls, but I didn't know you had your little boyfriend over here."

"Boyfriend?" Liv and Cam said at the same time.

"Spence, what are you are you talking about?" Cam asked me.

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