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Spencer's P.O.V

These past two months have been nothing but amazing. For the first time in a while, I can actually say that I'm happy. I have everything a man could ever ask for. I have a home, a family, a great career, and got back the love of my life.

I've been thinking about this for a while now, and Liv and I are in a better where I want to take our relationship to the next level. That's right, I'm going to ask Liv to marry me and be my wife again.

At first, I was nervous when I made the call, but I wanted to be honest with them, so I asked Laura, Billy, and Jordan if they could come by my house because I wanted their blessing to marry Liv.

Once they made it to my house, I greeted them, "Hello Mrs. Baker, Coach, Jordan. I want to thank you all for coming. There is something very important I would like to ask you." I said.

"Of course Spencer, what is it that you wanted to tell us?" Laura asked as we made our way to the living room.

Okay, here goes nothing. "As you all know, me and Olivia have been back together for two months now, and she has been nothing but an amazing partner and mother to our daughters. The best I could ask for. And I know I don't deserve her because I was the one who gave up on our marriage and filed for divorce. I wouldn't blame each of you or her if any of y'all still had doubts about me being there for Liv and wanting to do right by her. What I am trying to say is, that I wanted to ask if I could have each of your blessings to ask for Olivia's hand in marriage." I said as I pulled out a small black box and opened it showing an engagement ring. At first, they all seemed surprised by this announcement, but then they couldn't help but smile.

"Spence, ever since you came back into Olivia's life, she has been the happiest I've ever seen her. Yes, y'all got divorced, but the love you guys shared was never gone, and I knew you guys would find your way back to each other. You've done right by my sister and nieces. You never needed my blessing, but I thank you for asking me. You have my blessing, brother." Jordan said as he walked up and hugged me.

"Spencer, after looking back these two months, I would ask myself who would be the man I would want my daughter to be with, it's you. Together or not, you were always there for Liv when she was pregnant with the twins, come spend time with Gianna and Kiara more than you normally would. Look at me and Billy, Spencer, not every marriage is perfect. We did go our separate ways, but he showed that he was still in love with me, even when I was hesitant about it. Luckily with time, I realized that I never stopped loving him too." Laura grabbed Billy's hand. I haven't seen my daughter this happy in a really long time, and I thank you for that. So, my answer is yes, Spencer, you have my blessing." She smiled, walked up, and hugged me."

After getting Jordan and Laura's approval, we all looked at Billy. "Spencer, as a father, you want to make sure your kids continue to do well in life. I worried so much about Olivia because of what she went through six years ago. I saw her struggle a lot, and sometimes she wouldn't reach out to us because of it. I felt like I failed her." He paused and put his hand on my shoulder. "But Spencer, don't think you failed Olivia because together or not, you were still here. I knew there was still hope for you and my daughter, Spencer, even when y'all were divorced and seeing other people, but the truth was always in front of you both. I'm so happy that you are a part of this family, Spencer, and you're committed to Liv and my granddaughters. If Corey was here right now, he'd tell you how much you have grown and how proud he is of you. With that being said, you have my blessing Spencer." He smiles and I reach out to shake his hand. He shakes it, but also pulls me in for a hug.

"Thank you. All of you." They smiled back at me.

"Any ideas on how you're going to propose to Liv?" Jordan asked me.

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