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Olivia's P.O.V

This past month was by far the hardest time to do the things I normally do as the twins would be coming soon. Luckily Spencer was at my beck and call and he would make sure this pregnancy would be less stressful.

"Do you need anything else, Liv?" Spencer asked me while I was lying down in bed.

"No, I'm ok Spencer. Thank you." I said to him.

"Anything for the mother of my children and my soon-to-be wife." He smiled as I grabbed his hand asking him to kiss me.

"Hey, Spencer?"

"Yes, Liv."

"You know I appreciate everything you've done for me and our family, right?"

"Of course."

"And please don't get mad at me for asking this."

"I won't."

"After everything we've been through, why did you come back to me? At times, I don't feel like I deserve you."

"Olivia Marie (soon-to-be) James, my Mom once said, 'If there were no such as mistakes in marriage, none of them would last for more than a week'. My love for you was never lost, it was me. I thought you would be better off without me, but the truth is, I needed you as much as you needed me. When I look into Gianna's and Kiara's beautiful brown eyes, it always reminds me of their mother, the woman I fell in love with when I first came to Beverly. If anything Olivia, I ask myself the question of why you came back to me." Spencer walks up to me and sits on the edge of the bed holding my hand. "And you wanting to have these baby girls with me, is why I'm the luckiest man in the world."

"Only for you, Spencer James. Only for you." I kissed him with passion.
Spencer's P.O.V

It's Sunday Night Football and we have a rivalry game with the Dallas Cowboys here at SoFi stadium. A lot of pressure is on for tonight's game as we were both undefeated and the winner of tonight's will have an edge of the NFC conference a clinch a bye week for the postseason.

"Liv, are you sure? I don't have to play tonight. You're due almost any day now and I don't want to miss out on being there when the twins come."

"Spencer. I know you're willing to sacrifice anything for our family, but your team needs you. They would be in this position without their leader. That's you by the way. Plus, I want to play not only for me but our family."

"Okay. But the moment you feel something wrong, I want you to call me. I will leave to make sure you're ok."

"I will. But I'm not alone. There's going to be a company here for tonight's game. Kia, Simone, Layla, Ms. Grace, and my Mom are going to be with me. Everything will be fine Spencer."

"Okay. This game will be dedicated to our family. I promise you we will win."

"I'm confident that you will." Liv smiled and kissed me before I made my way to SoFi Stadium.
Olivia's P.O.V

It was almost the end of the game and there was only time for one play left in the game and the Rams were on offense. The score was tied at 35 and a touchdown would seal the deal.

The center hiked the ball to Jordan and he threw a Hail Mary to the end zone as the ball was up for grabs. When the time clock expired, the ball was caught by none other than my man, Spencer James.

We all cheered in excitement and the Rams became the first team to three-peat as Super Bowl champions. I couldn't be happier and the twins were also excited that I felt a little kick to my stomach.

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