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Spencer's P.O.V

After an amazing Super Bowl win, I decided to keep it simple this time. When I called Liv, I was actually surprised she agreed to let me come and celebrate with the girls.

When I arrived, Gianna and Kiara were happy to see me.

The whole night, we decided to play Charades, Monopoly, Life, you name it. Gianna and Kiara also wanted to watch a movie, but not the same one. Gianna wanted to watch Barbie and Kiara wanted to watch The Little Mermaid. Why not both? Anything for my baby girls.

While we watched both movies, we had our popcorn, candy, and drinks. Gianna was in my lap while Kiara was in her Mom's lap and we sat next to each other. Talk about one big happy family. This was definitely like old times.

When both movies ended. Gianna was fast asleep on my shoulder while Liv was sleeping on my other shoulder and Kiara had her arms wrapped around her. Everyone was tired, but that's okay.

"Hey, Liv?"


"Come on. Let's get the girls ready for bed."


After putting the girls to sleep, I was about to head out when I saw a family photo of Gianna holding Kiara in her hands when she was a baby. I admired the photo because it was like yesterday my baby girls were small, but they're growing up and it's a little emotional for me.

"You remember when that photo was taken?"

"How could I forget?"


After returning home from the hospital, we made our back home for the rest of the family to meet the new member of the James family.

When we walked in, we were greeted by friends and family.

"Mommy!" Gianna yelled as she ran and hugged her mother.

"Hi, Gianna. I missed you. We have someone we want you to meet."

"Come here." Gianna walked close to me. "Gianna, this is your baby sister, Kiara."

"Hi, Kiara!" She said and kissed her forehead. "I'm your big sister. I promise to love and care for you forever and ever." Gianna said as Liv and I had tears in our eyes because it really became a reality seeing Gianna being there for her baby sister.

"Here Gianna, sit on the couch and hold your sister. I want to take a picture."

Gianna held Kiara and smiled as I took the picture.

This is one of many days to look back at for our family.

End of Flashback

TW: Sexual Content

"That was a great day Liv."

"It was. They will always be Daddy's little girls." I smiled at Liv.

"Thank you, Liv. Having Gianna and Kiara were some of the best things that happened in my life, and I couldn't have done it without you."

She leaned in and hugged me.

"I missed this." She said and without hesitation kissed me on the lips.

After a few seconds, I pulled away when I realized what just happened.

"Sorry." Liv said.

"I'm not."

And just like that, we slowly leaned into each other's foreheads and kissed each other with passion.

Next thing you know, things started to get heated between us. I picked Liv up as she wrapped her legs around my waist and carried her to our bedroom. When we got there, I helped take off her clothes and then she unbuckled my pants as I threw them to the side. She lay on the bed and was wearing nothing as I admired her body. She started teasing me as she rubbed her clit and the more she did, the harder my dick got. I lifted her legs on my shoulder as she was now on her back. I kissed her from her legs all the way down to her clit.

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