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Olivia's P.O.V

I was in the ambulance with Spencer as we made our way to the hospital. After everything we've been through, we were finally getting a second chance at being husband and wife, but now someone has put a target on us. My thoughts were interrupted when the EMT got my attention as we pulled up to the emergency entrance.

I was walking fast alongside the EMT as I did not want to leave Spencer's side. He needs me as much as I need him. "I'm right here, Spencer. Stay with me." I said to him while he was unconscious.

We made it to one of the entrances inside the hospital when one of the doctors stopped me. "Olivia? Olivia, I'm going to have to ask you for your fiancé in the waiting room."

"No! I can't leave him. He needs me."

"Olivia, we both want the same thing, but I cannot assess Spencer's wounds until you let us go."

"No! No! Spencer!"

"Olivia, you need to get checked out immediately. We want to make sure you and your babies are ok." The doctor took me to one of the other rooms to be looked at while all I good think about was Spencer.

A Few Minutes Later....

"Olivia?" The doctor came into the room.


"Well after looking at the results, you and are babies are ok, no damage was caused."

This was a sigh of relief, but I wanted to know about Spencer.

"What's the status of my fiancé?"

"There were multiple gunshot wounds near the chest area and he is currently in surgery."

"Oh. Um..." I started to lean back almost losing my balance.

"Mrs. James. Are you..."

"I'm fine."

"If you're expecting..."

"I'm not. Just processing this information you said."

"Okay. Just take it easy and we will keep posted about your fiancé."

I was waiting in the waiting room when I saw my parents, Ms. Grace, D'Angelo, Jordan, and Dylan walk in."

"Olivia. Are you okay?" My mom asked me as I hugged her.

"Spencer was shot."

"What? Who shot my son?" Ms. Grace asked.

"I don't know, Ms. Grace."

"Where is he?"

"He is currently in surgery."

"Olivia. I'm going to reach out to our lawyer and see what he can find." I nodded my head.

Once Terry arrived at the hospital, he asked me how I was doing and if I was up to answering his questions about the shooting.

"Hi, Olivia. I'm so sorry you and Spencer were involved in the shooting. I have contacts. I have private investigators. I will not rest until the person who shot Spencer is brought to justice. Do you know anyone who would want to hurt Spencer?"

"There is one person that comes to mind?"


"Alicia Jackson. Spencer's ex-fiancé."

"Really? Olivia, did Spencer ever tell you about Alicia's family?"

"No, why?"

"Alicia has a brother?"

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