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Spencer's P.O.V

After a wild night, my head was bounding and it felt like my brain wanted to crawl out of my skull.

When I woke up, I felt something on my chest and it was nothing except my pregnant ex-wife sleeping peacefully.

I got up as slowly as I could without waking up Olivia. Luckily she was still asleep when I made my way to the door, only for my foot to make a loud noise, waking her up.

"Spencer?" Liv said to me.

"Hey. Um, I didn't want to wake you."

"Oh, it's okay. I have to get up anyway and pick up the girls. You want some coffee before you go?"

"No, thank you. Um...I got to go get the tux, you know? Whoa, whoa, last night...Man, I ain't been that drunk since...since the night before I married you."


"But at least I didn't wake up in the yard this time." Liv smiled. "All right, I guess I'll see you later, you know?"

"Spencer, wait. That's all you have to say to me."

"All right, look, if I said or did something that was dumb or crazy, I'm sorry Liv." She looked at me as if she was depressed. "I got to go."

I left Liv's house as I made my way to pick up the tux for my wedding.
Olivia's P.O.V

After all the years I've been married to Spencer, I can tell when he was lying or not, and after last night, I could tell he had second thoughts on marrying Alicia and he was still in love with me.

I was going to try and stop Spencer, but I couldn't do this alone, so I went to Simone's house for reinforcements.

When I walked in, I saw Simone and Jordan having breakfast.

"Hey, y'all."

"Hey, sis. How are you?" Simone said to me.

"I'm good, but I need your help.

"With what?" Jordan asked.

"I need you guys to come with me to Spencer's wedding, please."

"What? Why?" Simeone looked at me surprised.

"Spencer came to my house last night, told me he loved me, and then he kissed me. Yes, he was drunk, and this morning he tried to act like he didn't remember any of it, but he remembers it all. So, I have to do what I have to do."

"So, then what do you need us for Liv? You act like you got this." Jordan said.

"Because big head, if I'm going to crash a wedding, I'm going to need a posse."

We were at the wedding ceremony and as I was about to look for Spencer, I started to feel sick to my stomach and was starting to have second thoughts.

"Liv, where have been? Did you find Spencer?" Simone asked me.

"I couldn't talk to him."

"What? So where have you been?"

"Throwing up."

"Liv, we discussed this. You were going to talk to Spencer, and if the situation was nonviolent, we were going to have your back."

"I know, but when you two scaredy-cats didn't follow me, I changed my mind."

"So you mean that we came here to a wedding for you to not talk to someone you're still in love with?" Jordan said to me.

"If Spencer really wanted me back, he wouldn't be marrying Alicia. So I'll just have to live with that."

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