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As the first light of dawn crept through the curtains, Noeul stirred from his slumber, his mind foggy with the remnants of dreams that lingered like wisps of smoke. Blinking away the sleep from his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar room, the soft glow of morning casting shadows across the walls.

"Noeul," a voice whispered softly, and he turned to see Boss sitting beside him, concern etched in his features. "Are you alright?"

Noeul's throat tightened with emotion as he struggled to find his voice. "I... I don't know," he admitted, tears welling up in his eyes. "Everything feels so overwhelming."

Boss reached out, gently brushing away a tear that trickled down Noeul's cheek. "It's okay to feel that way," he reassured him, his voice a soothing balm to Noeul's troubled heart. "You're not alone, Noeul. I'm here for you."

But even as Boss's words washed over him like a comforting embrace, Noeul couldn't shake the sense of loss that weighed heavy on his heart. "I miss my old life," he confessed, his voice choked with emotion. "I miss my family, my friends... everything."

Boss's expression softened with understanding as he pulled Noeul into his arms, holding him close. "I know, Noeul," he murmured, his voice filled with empathy. "But you're not alone anymore. You have me now, and together, we'll face whatever comes our way."

As tears streamed down Noeul's cheeks, he clung to Boss with all his might, finding solace in the warmth of his embrace. In that moment, amidst the tears and the turmoil, he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would find the strength to overcome them, guided by the unwavering love of the man who held his heart in his hands.

-with Earth and Santa-

As the night wore on and the darkness deepened, a feverish heat swept over Earth, leaving him shivering and weak beneath the covers. His body trembled with chills, his breath coming in shallow gasps as he struggled to fight off the sickness that gripped him.

Santa, awakened by the sound of Earth's labored breathing, sprang into action, his heart pounding with worry as he rushed to his boyfriend's side. With gentle hands, he brushed the sweat-soaked hair from Earth's forehead, his touch cool and comforting against the feverish heat.

"Earth, love, can you hear me?" Santa whispered, his voice a soft murmur in the darkness.

Earth groaned softly in response, his eyes fluttering open to meet Santa's gaze. "Santa?" he rasped, his voice weak and hoarse.

Santa's heart clenched at the sight of Earth's pale, drawn face, his own worry mirrored in the depths of his eyes. "I'm here, my love," he reassured him, his voice filled with tenderness. "I'm going to take care of you."

With practiced ease, Santa tended to Earth's needs, fetching cool compresses to soothe his fevered brow and offering sips of water to ease his parched throat. He hovered over Earth's bedside, his presence a constant source of comfort and reassurance in the midst of Earth's suffering.

As the long night stretched on, Santa remained by Earth's side, his unwavering devotion a beacon of light in the darkness. And though the hours seemed to drag on endlessly, Santa never wavered in his care for Earth, his love for his boyfriend shining bright even in the darkest of times.

And as the first light of dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, Earth's fever broke, leaving him weak but on the road to recovery. With a grateful smile, he reached out to Santa, his hand trembling as it found its way into his boyfriend's grasp.

"Thank you, Santa," Earth whispered, his voice filled with love and gratitude.

Santa's heart swelled with emotion as he squeezed Earth's hand, his own eyes shining with tears of relief. "Anything for you, my love," he replied, his voice filled with unwavering devotion. "I'll always be here to take care of you, no matter what."

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