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As the group prepared to part ways, Boss stepped forward, his eyes meeting Noeul's with a sense of determination.

"Noeul, I'll be with you," Boss declared, his voice steady despite the gravity of their situation. "We'll watch each other's backs."

Noeul nodded, a wave of gratitude washing over him at Boss's reassuring words. "Thank you," he replied, his voice choked with emotion.

Meanwhile, Boun approached Prem, his expression solemn as he laid a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Prem, you'll be with me," Boun stated, his tone firm but gentle. "We'll keep each other safe."

Prem's eyes met Boun's with a mixture of fear and resolve, knowing that he could trust his brother to guide him through the darkness that lay ahead.

Santa turned to Earth, his expression grave as he prepared to face the challenges that awaited them.

"Earth, you're with me," Santa announced, his voice tinged with determination. "We'll face whatever comes our way together."

Earth nodded, a sense of trust blooming within him as he looked to Santa for guidance and protection.

With their plans in place and their paths set, the brothers braced themselves for the trials that lay ahead, knowing that their bond as brothers would see them through even the darkest of nights.

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