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In the depths of the forest, Ten and Taeyong huddled together, their heads bent in deep conversation as they plotted their next move. Their eyes gleamed with malice as they discussed their sinister plans to kidnap Noeul, Prem, and Earth, oblivious to the world beyond their dark intentions.

But before they could finalize their scheme, a sudden interruption shattered their conspiratorial whispers. Jaehyun burst into their midst, his face pale with urgency as he delivered startling news that halted Ten and Taeyong in their tracks.

"Stop!" Jaehyun exclaimed, his voice trembling with urgency. "You need to hear this."

Ten and Taeyong turned to Jaehyun, their brows furrowed in confusion as they listened to his words. What could possibly be so important as to interrupt their plans?

Breathless with excitement, Jaehyun revealed the shocking truth. "The new fledglings," he began, his voice trembling with excitement. "Noeul, Prem, and Earth—they're pregnant."

The words hung heavy in the air, sinking like a stone in the pit of Ten and Taeyong's stomachs. Pregnant? How could this be?

But before they could process the gravity of Jaehyun's revelation, he issued a chilling warning that sent a shiver down their spines.

"And if you dare to harm them," Jaehyun continued, his voice laced with venom, "I'll make sure Bambam, Gemini, and Nunew know exactly what you're planning."

Ten and Taeyong exchanged wary glances, their minds racing with the implications of Jaehyun's threat. They knew all too well the consequences of crossing Bambam, Gemini, and Nunew—powerful allies who would stop at nothing to protect their own.

With a heavy sigh, Ten and Taeyong reluctantly abandoned their plans, their schemes thwarted by the unexpected turn of events. For now, they would bide their time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. But in the back of their minds, they knew that Jaehyun's warning had changed the game entirely, forcing them to reconsider their strategy in the face of a new and unpredictable threat.

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