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With hearts brimming with excitement and anticipation, Noeul and Boss arrived at the doctor's office for their ultrasound appointment, their minds buzzing with the prospect of seeing their baby or babies for the first time.

As they settled into the examination room, Noeul's hand trembled slightly in Boss's grasp, his nerves tingling with a mixture of joy and apprehension. Boss squeezed his hand reassuringly, his eyes filled with love and excitement as they awaited the arrival of the doctor.

Dr. Peat entered the room with a warm smile, his presence instantly putting them at ease. "Are we ready to see your little one?" he asked, his voice filled with gentle enthusiasm.

Noeul and Boss nodded eagerly, their hearts pounding with anticipation as Dr. Peat prepared the ultrasound machine. With a gentle touch, he placed the wand on Noeul's abdomen, his eyes scanning the screen for any sign of movement.

And then, in a miraculous moment that took their breath away, the image of their baby or babies appeared on the screen, their tiny forms illuminated by the soft glow of the monitor.

Noeul gasped in awe at the sight, tears welling up in his eyes as he beheld the miracle of life growing within him. Boss's heart swelled with pride and joy as he gazed at the image of their unborn child, a sense of wonder filling his soul.

Dr. Peat pointed out the features of their baby or babies, explaining each detail with care and reverence. Noeul and Boss listened intently, their hearts overflowing with love for the tiny life that had taken root within them.

As they left the doctor's office, their hearts light with happiness, Noeul and Boss knew that this was only the beginning of their journey into parenthood. And as they held hands and looked to the future, they knew that their love would carry them through every moment, from the first flutter of movement to the joyous day when they would finally hold their precious baby or babies in their arms.

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