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The following month, it was Prem and Boun's turn for their ultrasound appointment. Excitement filled the air as they entered the examination room, their hearts brimming with anticipation at the thought of seeing their baby or babies for the first time.

Dr. Peat greeted them with a warm smile, his eyes twinkling with excitement as he prepared the ultrasound machine. With a gentle touch, he placed the wand on Prem's abdomen, his skilled hands guiding the device as he searched for signs of life.

And then, the moment arrived that would change their lives forever. On the screen, the image of not one, but two tiny forms appeared, their presence illuminating the room with the promise of new life.

Prem and Boun gasped in awe at the sight, their hearts pounding with joy at the realization that they too were expecting twins. Tears of happiness welled up in their eyes as they beheld the miracle of two precious souls growing within them.

But Dr. Peat had even more incredible news to share. "And it looks like you're having two little girls," he announced, his voice filled with warmth and excitement.

Prem and Boun exchanged stunned glances, their hearts overflowing with love and wonder at the thought of welcoming two daughters into their family. It was a moment they would cherish forever, a testament to the boundless love and joy that awaited them on this extraordinary journey of parenthood.

As they left the doctor's office, their hearts light with happiness, Prem and Boun knew that their lives would never be the same. With the love and support of their family by their side, they were ready to embrace the challenges and joys of raising twin girls, knowing that each moment would be filled with double the love, double the laughter, and double the joy.

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