The Night Looks Brighter (Part 4/6)

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Hello again guys! Here's your chapter.


//Chapter 9.4

Purple :)

Silent contemplation hangs heavy,

Words poised on the tip of the tongue.

A delicate balance of risk and reward,

The choice to remain silent or be heard.


Purple watched as the Rainbow Friends took Green outside to see the trees. He would've joined them, but he wanted to be by himself for a little bit.

He had some things to unpack.

He had talked to Orange and found out that the collar could trigger his Predator form, and apparently Orange didn't want to kill humans anymore. Purple didn't really have a problem with it, but after he had been told that, he began to realize things that he hadn't before.

And he was afraid that Red was catching on.

He could tell by the way that Red kept glancing in his direction during the entire interaction what exactly was going on.

Purple wanted to believe that Red truly did care about Green and his ability to see, but he couldn't help but think that it was just leverage.

Purple knew that Red was the type to plan ahead, and he suspected that this "gift" for Green may have been his way of ensuring that he was considered an ally. It made sense, but Purple still didn't quite understand why.

Why would he be so desperate to make sure that he remained inconspicuous? Unless he was planning something...Purple didn't think there was a reason.

It definitely had something to do with Orange's collar. Perhaps it was just a need for control. Maybe Red was just trying to keep them in line, in his own twisted way.

And if Purple could read the room correctly, then he knew that Orange and himself seemed to be the only two that could tell something was off. Orange, only because of the collar, but for himself, it had always been an option.

Anything that Red tried to do to impress him, or prove that he was trustworthy, Purple just couldn't trust him.

 Every time the scientist found a new way to be helpful, Purple couldn't help but feel like he was doing it for a specific reason.

Red wasn't the type to fish for compliments, and he certainly wasn't the type to go out of his way to help others.

Purple wasn't sure if he was just paranoid, but he was so sure that there was something else going on.

But when he tried to speak up, he was shot down. Again.

Blue told him that the Rainbow Friends needed to trust each other, that they were all that was left, but Purple knew that someone had to do something at some point.

And maybe that meant some things would have to be questioned.

However, Purple knew that the peace that had finally settled over the Rainbow Friends was fragile. If he tried to act up, to change things, he knew that things could change for the worse.

Orange simply missing one hunt was enough to send everything into a downwards spiral. Purple doubted that questioning their entire way of life would yield better results.

While Purple was concerned for the wellbeing of his friends, he often wondered if he should do anything.

He rarely considered himself wise in any way, but he had a feeling that even if life wasn't perfect the way it was, it was much better than it could be.

Purple wasn't adverse to change, but he knew that it probably wasn't the best option at the moment.

So as hard as the decision may have been, Purple knew what he had to do. Or rather, what he had to not do. He would stay quiet, just as he had always been, and hope that things would get better on their own.

Maybe he was a coward.

But at least he was safe.

...He really hoped it was the right call.

Purple peered out of the vents, gripping the bars tightly. The halls were silent. Purple hesitated, before slowly crawling out of the vents.

Green was having an important moment right now, and it would be rude if Purple weren't there to support him. With a sigh, Purple pushed the spinning thoughts in his head to the back of his mind and stepped out.

Purple walked to the exit doors and pushed them open, wincing as the bright light shone in his eyes, which were accustomed to the darkness.

It wasn't often that he went outside, but he was willing to do so for his friend. As he walked over to the other Rainbow Friends, who were playing with Green, he couldn't help but feel a prick of doubt.

He shook it off, knowing that the happiness of the others was worth more than whatever else was going on.

Maybe one day, they would be ready to face it. But for now, Purple hoped it would be best to ignore it, and hoped that he wouldn't regret it later.


YAy a ChAPtEr AbOUt PuRpLE PoNdERiNg LiFE-

I promise you that the next chapter will be more eventful.

Anyways, buh-bye. 

Also,  Happy Easter (If you celebrate it) and have a good day/night!

Next Chapter: The Night Looks Brighter (Part 5/6)

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