Back to The Source (Part 1/3)

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I'm sorry it's been awhile since I've posted. I had some stuff going on for a bit and I could never find a good time. But luckily I'm back and I'm ready to give you another amazing chapter!!!

Let's do this!


//CHAPTER 16.1


But tonight, a map unfolds,

Lines drawn in determination.

Voices rise, a symphony of courage, 

each plan weaving strength from the frayed edges of their lives.


Orange and the rest of his rebellious group had all sat down, trying to come up with a plan in order to achieve what they were seeking.

Blue, Purple, Elise, and himself. They all wanted to stop the rest of the Rainbow Friends and find a new purpose for themselves. Orange knew it could be done.

However, Red seemed determined to keep them all under close control. No one was quite sure what Red was capable of, due to the many years he had spent in privacy, working on who even knows what.

Because of this, no one really wanted to just barge in and attempt to put Red in his place. It could be very risky for them. Especially since Red had control of Orange's shock collar.

Orange absentmindedly grabbed onto his collar, feeling the smooth and hard metal surface. He really wished that he could get it off, it was starting to make his neck sore.

Orange was about to suggest his idea of using the drawings again to convince them when Purple spoke up, almost as if on cue.

"Guys...I have something to tell you." He said nervously, shrinking back as everyone turned to look at him.

Orange remembered how Purple had been yelled at the last time he had tried to speak up, and nodded at him encouragingly to let him know he was welcome.

Purple took a deep breath, wringing his hands together. "You know how I had to go through all the vents to get the drawings?" He started, looking around.

Blue and Orange nodded, Elise also nodded slightly. Orange wasn't actually sure how well she could hear the others. He assumed that it depended on how close she was to his translator. What he did notice, however, is that she had barely spoken to Purple and hadn't even spoken to Blue at all.

Purple continued, "Well... I saw something while I was on my way to get them."

Orange perked up in interest. What could it be? Perhaps it was some useful information that they could use to make a good plan.

What Purple said next was indeed useful information, but it was not quite good news.

"I heard a noise coming through the vent, so I peeked through the nearest opening. I saw Red...he was hurting Green, shocking him. He-he...he made Green turn into his Predator Form against his will...he used Green's glasses to hurt him." Purple said, stuttering a little bit.

Orange sat back in shock, his eyes wide. This...this was much worse than he had thought.

Blue and Elise were completely silent next to him. Orange knew that Blue would probably take this the hardest, since he was so protective over Green.

"What?" Orange asked, still trying to process what Purple said. "Red used Green's glasses to shock him?!"

Purple nodded quickly with a small, "mhm."

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