Embrace the Chase (Part 4/5)

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In the depths of shadows, a secret resides,

A treasure of knowledge, a burden they hide.

For in their heart, a concern takes it's flight,

To shield their dear friends from the same plight.


No warnings...just character development.

Orange sat at the edge of the stage, thinking to himself as the last of the Rainbow Friends left the facility to go chase down the humans.

While he certainly felt hurt that he couldn't join in the hunt this time, he did understand that he probably deserved it.

It hardly even mattered at the moment, however. He knew it was going to be a long day once his friends all returned from the hunt. They didn't understand why he did what he did, so things would be quite awkward between him and the others.

Orange sighed as he tried to process what had just occurred. He had told his friends what had happened to him during the last hunt, and they hadn't seemed happy at all.

But they didn't realize that he hadn't told them everything that had happened.

For some reason, Orange had seen it fit to exclude the part with the blocks. 

He had purposely left that entire part out of his explanation. He couldn't bring himself to mention it, to make things more complicated for his friends.

They were already confused, they didn't need anything else to deal with at the moment.

Orange, seeing as he had nothing else to do, decided to replay the events in his head.

He had found a block on the ground after Purple had gotten one of the humans. He had picked it up and followed a big blue arrow into the theater, where he placed the block on a big pedestal on the stage.

All of the humans had apparently been doing the same. But the question was why?

He couldn't think of any reason why they would want to do that.

Unless...they didn't want to.

It was entirely possible that the humans didn't actually want to be there. When Orange had been out during the hunt, he had seen the looks on their faces.

That couldn't have been the look of someone who had wanted to be there.

Orange himself had felt the terror that was caused by feeling trapped and alone, at the mercy of the Rainbow Friends, which was indeed ironic because he was one himself.

Was it possible that the humans were trapped? Orange found it hard to believe, since it happened so often, but after the display of emotion he had witnessed only a couple minutes ago, though it felt like much longer, he found that it may have been true.

He clenched his claws into small fists as he came to terms with what was most likely the horrible truth.

Were the Rainbow Friends killing innocents? Were they the bad guys?

Orange barely even noticed, but he could feel moisture on his face. He then realized that he was crying. He opened his eyes, and wiped his face with his arm, trying to dry his tears.

He felt like he was tearing apart at the seams. After everything that had happened on that fateful night, where he had massacred the only ones who loved him...he still hadn't learned.

The Rainbow Friends were still making the same mistakes that they had made fifty years ago. They were still killing innocent humans for no reason at all.

Orange wanted to be the guy who could keep his emotions buried deep down, so that no one else would ever have to worry about him, but he could feel his composure slipping away, little by little.

He'd been a monster his whole life. And he'd claimed that he was trying to get better, too. He'd gone through that whole ordeal, just so he could be less of a monster.

Even though he wanted to believe that it was just a big misunderstanding, it seemed to make sense to him. Memories from before that fateful day, along with the evidence that had been provided to him, all pointed to it.

He felt it in his veins, it was the truth. 

He knew that he couldn't just sit here while this continued. He needed to do something, and he needed to do it soon.

Before he even realized what he was doing, Orange had leapt off of the side of the stage and begun to crawl through the open tunnel left behind.

He had to try and save who he could. He knew for certain that he was going to regret it, but he knew he had to try, he had to at least know what was going on out there.

As he crawled out the other end of the tunnel, he wiggled under the wire fence with his thin body and dashed into the woods, preparing himself for what he would find.


Next Chapter: Embrace the Chase (Part 4/5)

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