Speak the Truth (Part 5/5)

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Hello again guys! Happy summer!

Sorry I have no chapter this time.

I'm kidding here it is. :)


//CHAPTER 12.5


Away from danger, towards the unknown,

The world a blur of darkness and desperation.

One thought echoing loud: survive,

And run, run, run.


Warning: *reads papers* ......uh, does electrocution count as a sensative theme?

As Orange rushed through the park, he heard Cyan stomping behind him, her teeth clanging together, again and again, as she tried to get a grip on him.

However, Orange was, and always would be, the fastest Rainbow Friend.

Orange was determined to keep Cyan away from the humans. They wouldn't be able to run or hide from her, so perhaps this was the best option.

Orange knew he would need a plan, and fast. He couldn't keep running from Cyan forever, not while he was injured.

Although even with his bleeding chest, Orange was still small and quick enough to dodge Cyan's blunt attacks. He made his way past the ferris wheel, knowing full well that he might be spotted on the cameras.

At this point, it didn't even matter. He was about to die anyway.

Orange ran towards the bridge. He looked around, hoping that there would be something for him to use to distract Cyan or save himself with.

However, he was greeted with only the usual scene as he clambered onto the bridge. He could still hear the loud clanging and ringing behind him, but he didn't dare look back.

Just as he was running over the bridge, however, he felt a wave of dizziness overtake him. Orange felt himself falling, but managed to catch himself on the side of the bridge.

He pulled himself up with a huff, forcing himself to keep going.

But just as he was about to push his legs underneath himself, he heard a loud, horrifying crack.

Orange thought for a moment that Cyan must have already snapped his bones, that he was actually dead, and just hadn't realized it. But instead of being crushed, he found himself falling.

With a rush of panic, he felt as if his soul had left his body.

When he finally came back to himself, he realized that he was lying face-down in the stream that had been underneath the bridge.

Orange looked around, still in a panic, as he frantically looked around. Cyan was nowhere to be seen, but he could hear distant stomping.

Realizing that he may finally have gotten away, he pulled himself out of the water and dragged himself under a ledge of rock that was nearby. By the time he even made it, he was gasping for breath.

As he waited silently, breathing heavily, he listened. But this time, he wasn't listening for more stomping or roaring. He was listening for any of the humans.

He was praying that he wouldn't hear any screaming.

As he waited, he didn't hear anything else. Maybe they had already found a way out.

Orange couldn't help but feel worried. It was just as likely that Green snatched them up and killed them before they could make a sound.

After everything he had done, Orange still didn't even know if they had made it out alive.

Orange looked down at his chest. It was still bleeding, but he didn't think he was going to die anytime soon.

He was a little surprised by the fact that it wasn't any worse, it had certainly seemed that way only a minute beforehand.

It still made sense, in a way. Even though he had been practically thrown around by Cyan, Orange had found out a while ago that he was actually quite durable.

Even though Cyan's teeth had penetrated his scales, they still hadn't been able to dig too deep.

Whether it was the lizard in him, or the fact that he was a Rainbow Friend that caused him to survive, he didn't really care. He was only glad that he was alive for the time being. 

Orange stayed there for a while longer, regaining his strength. He knew he would need something to cover his wound with eventually, but the hunt was probably almost over, right?

The Rainbow Friends would assume that the humans were gone, and everything would be much better.

Orange really did want to look outside and make sure that they were okay.

It was difficult, seeing his friends kill off his other friends.

Orange heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that his job was done. Yes, he was still unexplainably worried, but he had done all that he could do. That had to count for something, right?

It was like the first step to a new chapter in his life. One where he could not kill children every week. One where he could be loved by others.

But then, Orange's luck just had to run out just then, didn't it?

Almost without any warning whatsoever, Orange's collar flashed a bright red, letting out a high pitched beep. Orange flinched in surprise, not expecting that.

Then his eyes widened. If the collar was active, then that meant...

It happened so fast that he couldn't even process it in time.

Pain like a thousand needles shot through his body, causing him to jerk up in pain. Orange couldn't see anything but a bright white, and his limbs twitched uncontrollably.

He cried out in pain and tried to grab his collar, but it only made the pain worse.

He felt tears pricking at the edges of his eyes, he just wanted it to stop.

Orange couldn't take it any more.

As his body thrashed around against his will, he became aware of his vision fading out. Everything felt fuzzy, and he could only wail out in pain.

But no one was there to hear him.

He didn't know what to do, he couldn't do anything. The shock throughout his entire body didn't let up, and his chest was starting to hurt terribly.

There was only one thing left to do.

"Elise...Elise I'm so sorry..."

Was the last thing Orange was able to choke out in the form of a quiet sob, before he was forced to give in to the darkness.


*sips drink*

Well I'm just gonna leave it at that for now.

I do hope you enjoyed, reader, and may you have a good day/night!

Next Chapter: Hear the Truth (Part 1/5)

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