It Begins... (Part 2/2)

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Fate, like an iron gate, stands unyielding,

Restraining the spirit, confining and chilling.

A punishment bestowed upon these wayward souls,

For actions taken, consequences uncontrolled.


Cyan sighed as she laid on an old carpet that was on the floor of her room.

She was so bored. Ever since Red, Blue, and Yellow told her that she shouldn't participate in any more hunts for a while, she's been out of her mind with boredom. It didn't help that scrawled on the paper taped to the wall above her read, "time out corner."

Then she heard a bell dinging in the hallway. As she heard the bell ding, she practically leapt onto her feet. When the bell dings, it means that there are no more intruders to be caught.

That meant that Cyan was free to leave. She rushed out of the room and pelted down the hallway to go find her friend Yellow.

She was just running past the theater when she tripped and fell onto the ground.

She had been so excited that she hadn't watched her step. That's when she realized what she had tripped over.

It was Orange, he was lifting himself off the ground. Cyan quickly stood up and turned towards him.

"Oh, Orange. I'm sorry, it's just that I got excited and..." Cyan trailed off as she realized the Orange didn't respond. 

She stared at his back for a second, then started back as Orange whipped around the glare at her.

His eyes were wild and his pupils were little slits. He snarled as he pushed himself up. 

It was Orange, but Orange was still in his Predator form when Chan had bumped into him.

Cyan froze for a moment as he walked up to her with a growl. 

"Oh, uh, hi...Orange." Cyan stuttered, feeling very very awkward and nervous.

Orange glared at her for a second, before he leapt up at her, his jaws snapping. Cyan yelped and whipped around. Orange chomped onto her tail as she turned.

Cyan felt a burst of sharp pain in her tail right where Orange was hanging on. She turned in a circle, trying to get him to let go, but he remained firmly clamped onto her tail.

"Ow!" Cyan snapped. She tried to grab him with her teeth, but he was too far back. Cyan really wished that she had arms sometimes.

She started running down the hallway to go find someone who could help her. 

After she made it to the Hemlock Woods, she saw Blue and Green sitting with Purple, who was peeking out of one of their vents. 

They were chatting, but Blue and Purple looked up as they heard the stomping.

"I need some help here!" Cyan exclaimed as she turned around to show them Orange, who was still clamped onto her tail, now using his claws to dig in as well.

Blue leapt up right away, ran over, and tried to pry Orange off with his hands. Purple started opening his vent and crawled out.

Cyan turned her head to see what Blue was doing, but Orange remained firm on Cyan's tail even as he pulled. Blue grunted as he strained to pull Orange off, to no avail. Purple walked up and watched the scene with wide eyes.

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