Master Plan (Part 2/5)

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Ima back!!

So uh...writing this was sorta painful. will see why.


//CHAPTER 15.2


Battles fought, time spent,

Wondering, wandering, and now here.

In this small corner of the world they find themselves again,

two souls, alive and intertwined.


As Orange followed Purple through the vents, he felt his excitement increasing.

Despite the grim situation, he couldn't help but be somewhat enthusiastic. He was finally on his way to see Elise again.

After they had gotten separated, Orange had refused to accept that she might be dead. Not after everything.

Yet somehow, it still brought him immense relief to hear that she had survived and was someplace safe.

And apparently Purple had also decided to help the two of them out.

As the other monster crawled through the vents ahead of him, Orange wondered what he thought about all of this. As his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, he also noticed that Purple was wearing something.

It looked like some of the clothing that a human would wear. Maybe Purple really was on his side. Did Elise convince him somehow?

Orange remembered how he had talked to Purple before, about his collar. Purple hadn't seemed to judge him when he mentioned his reluctance to kill humans.

In fact, Purple still didn't seem to judge him even after he had saved one of the victims themselves.

Orange decided to voice his question, "Are you...not mad?" He asked.

Purple paused for a second, but didn't turn to look back at him. He continued crawling after a moment. 

"Of course not. Why would you think that?" Purple responded, his quiet voice echoing through the small vent.

"It's just...I saved a human. I thought you would have told the others about that." Orange said with uncertainty. In all fairness, he still didn't know if Purple was planning to tell them anyway.

Purple continued to crawl, his pace didn't slow as he turned around a corner, glancing backwards to make sure that Orange was following.

"I don't remember if I told you earlier, but I really don't care who you save and who you don't. If you trust that they won't put us in danger later on, then I can respect that." Purple said.

Orange paused, shocked at the answer.

For some reason, he hadn't expected Purple him.

Perhaps it was an issue of his own, but he realized that since everything had happened, he had begun to view the other Rainbow Friends as something more menacing, evil.

He realized that it wasn't fair to them, as this wasn't any of their fault.

Just like it wasn't Blue's fault for snapping at Orange. It wasn't Yellow's wrongdoing to defend Red with such fierceness at OddWorld the other day.

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