The Night Looks Brighter (Part 2/6)

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Hello, I'm back.

*throws this chapter in your face*

I bring another chapter with me.




In the quiet anticipation of the unknown,

A heart beats with both hope and dread.

Waiting for change, waiting for a surprise,

But a shadow of suspicion looms overhead.


Orange left his cave, knowing that he would have to talk to the others sometime. He knew that he couldn't keep moping to himself. He had to make the others believe that he was okay.

As he walked down the hall, he heard a commotion coming from a certain direction. He followed the noise, and as he grew closer, he heard the voices of his friends.

He turned a corner and jumped back as he saw what was going on.

It was Yellow and Cyan, and they had all of the Lookies with them. Orange tried to walk forwards, but there were so many of them, and he didn't want to be swarmed again as he had been last time.

Yellow saw his struggle and held some of the Lookies back, letting Orange wriggle into the room. Inside, there was already Red and Blue.

"I'll take the Lookies from here." Red said, and Cyan bent down, letting the Lookies that were on her back roll to the ground. As Red turned to leave, the Lookies actually turned to regard Yellow and Cyan.

Orange and Blue looked on in shock as one of them rolled over to Cyan and nudged her foot, letting out a small sound that sounded like a mix between a hum and a coo. She bent down, nudging it forwards.

"You've gotta go now. Red has a place for you to stay." She said, pushing it away. The lookie cooed again before rolling away. Cyan looked up at Red, and he nodded.

"Don't worry. They can still come out to play." He said, and left the room. Surprisingly, the Lookies managed to roll, almost as a unit for once, out of the room. Yellow sighed, seeming relieved to have the Lookies gone, but Cyan looked like she missed them.

"So..uh, how were they? Did they stay out of trouble?" Orange asked. Cyan nodded, but Yellow looked more against it.

"Sorta. They kept rolling around everywhere. Eventually we managed to get their attention for long enough to start bonding with them...I think." Yellow said, looking off in the direction that the Lookies had left.

Blue walked over from across the room, "Well the Lookies aren't leaving, they're just being temporarily contained. Red wanted to do something special today, and he doesn't want them interfering."

Cyan brightened up, but Yellow curiously looked at him. "What kind of special thing?" He asked hesitantly.

Orange felt a rush of panic run through him. He knew that it probably didn't have anything to do with him, but he couldn't help but feel fear at what the "special" thing was. It could be something good or bad, knowing Red.

"It's nothing bad." Blue told Yellow, as if reading Orange's thoughts. "But he told me to keep it a secret until it's time."

Orange didn't trust that one bit. He narrowed his eyes, studying Blue's expression for any sign of deceit. Maybe he should sit this out, just for good measure. Orange didn't want to be involved in anything else right now anyway.

But then Blue looked over at Orange. "You'll come, right? Believe me when I tell you, you'll want to be there." He said.

Orange was uncertain. It could be a trap. Maybe Red was doing an experiment, and it involved the other Rainbow Friends this time. Maybe he was going to put them all in collars.

The thought made him shudder. He knew that he couldn't let anything like that happen.

But if it was a trap...then it would be good if he were there, right? So that he could help out if things went wrong, or warn the others.

Orange looked up and saw Blue staring at him expectantly. He realized that he hadn't spoken in a couple moments, and cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Um, sure. I'll go." He said. Blue, seeming satisfied with that answer, nodded at him and turned back towards Cyan and Yellow, asking about what sort of things they got up to in the park.

Orange turned around, looking down at his collar. The small red light still flashed, quietly warning Orange about the powerful shock that it still had the potential to inflict upon him. He winced as he remembered Red testing it out to make sure it worked.

The pain had been excruciating, and Orange did not want to experience that again. Especially once Red told him that it could even trigger his Predator form. It could make him kill people if he hesitated, if he tried to resist.

Orange looked back over at the others. Cyan was eagerly telling Blue about the racetrack that apparently still worked in the park. Orange stepped nearer, trying to engage in the conservation to appear normal.

Cyan was talking about how she had won the race, but only after Yellow had taken too wide a turn on the last lap and allowed her to pass him. Orange smiled. It sounded like the park did have some fun parts to it. He wondered if he would ever get the chance to use any of the rides.

Before Yellow could respond, however, Red came back into the room, holding a box under his arm. Orange peered at it suspiciously, wondering what could be inside.

"Blue, could you go grab Purple and Green?" Red asked, and Blue nodded. Just as Blue was about to leave, however, Purple's wide eyes appeared in the vent on the wall.

"I'm already here." He said, reaching his arms out through the bars and waving.

"Nevermind. Just go get Green then." Red said, waving Blue away. As Blue nodded again and left the room to go search for the blind monster, Orange couldn't take his eyes off of the box.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to know what was inside.

It could be something bad. It was probably something bad. Orange wasn't sure why everyone was making such a big deal about whatever was in the box. Orange didn't like it at all.

After about a minute, Blue came back, leading Green in by his arm. Green was hobbling after him, his steps squeaking on the floor.

As Blue got Green settled, the others turned their eyes to Red expectantly. Orange waited, his body tense, just in case he had to act quickly.

Red held out the box that he had been holding under his arm. "I called you all here because I wanted you all to be present for this." He said, walking towards Green.

Yellow, Cyan, and Purple all watched curiously, not saying a word. Orange continued to wait, ready to spring forward if he needed too.

He was going to make sure that this wouldn't hurt his friends. He wasn't sure what was inside, but he truly hoped that it was something good.


And there you go. 

Thank you for reading this chapter. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I truly appreciate it if you've made it this far and are still reading. :)

Anyways, reader, may you have a good day/night!

Next Chapter: The Night Looks Brighter (Part 3/6)

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