Master Plan (Part 5/5)

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Heheeeee I'm back!

Time for dramaaaa!


//CHAPTER 15.5


Yet in that fragile drawing he lingers still,
A ghost of creativity, a flicker of warmth.
A bridge across the void, binding their hearts,
In hopes that art shall be made reality.


Warnings: Violence, Swear words, Sensitive Topics, ......emotions?

Orange growled quietly as Blue neared. He looked furious as he stomped up, his single eye trained on Elise, who was staring at Blue in fear.

"Orange! What the hell are you doing with that human?!" He roared. Orange narrowed his eyes, not backing down. He had rarely ever seen Blue so mad before.

He knew that Blue could very much rip him apart, and after their argument, might actually try, but he wouldn't let the other Rainbow Friend hurt Elise. He would continue to defend her.

"I'm saving her!" Orange said, "If you had just listened to what I was trying to say earlier, then maybe you would understand!" He hissed.

Blue glowered down at him. "We did no such thing Orange!" He shouted, causing Elise to flinch backwards. He was obviously referring to Orange's claim that they had been the reason their caretakers were dead.

Orange wanted so badly to tell Blue about how Red did this to them, made them prone to murder any human who stepped foot in the facility, but he didn't seem to be listening.

"Yes we did! You have to believe me Blue. I know it hurts, I felt the same way!" Orange said, desperately trying to get Blue to back down, but his efforts were in vain.

Before Orange could even react, Blue shoved him aside with a loud howl and lunged for Elise, his fur growing slightly darker and thicker as he shifted into his Predator Form.

Orange tried to leap past Blue, feeling a rush of panic as he saw Blue lunge, but his wounds prevented him from moving fast enough.

Elise barely dodged out of the way in time, darting to the side as Blue brought his large fists down where she had been moments before. She backed away, trying to gain distance, the Lookie in her arms squealing with terror.

Orange swore under his breath as he knew that Elise was in terrible danger. "Blue stop! She's not a threat!" He yelled, trying to leap in front of Blue to distract him.

Unfortunately, it worked a bit too well, and Blue's eye snapped towards him. Orange paused, remembering that he was still unable to move as fast as he normally could.

With a loud growl, Blue leapt towards Orange and pulled his arm back. Before Orange could even think to move, Blue brought it around and slammed his arm into the lizard's side.

Orange let out a loud yelp as he felt himself fly through the air and hit the ground. He wheezed, gasping for breath as he felt pain in his abdomen again. "Oh shit...shit!" He muttered, struggling to get up.

He looked up and saw Blue slowly walking towards him, a mad glint in his eye and seemingly no intent of stopping. Orange scrambled to sit up, stuttering as he tried to find some way out of this.

"Please, Blue...I promise I'm telling the truth! Please believe me, I'm your friend!" He cried out as Blue got closer to him once again.

Blue slowed in his approach, seemingly hesitating as Orange continued to talk quickly, hoping that he could get Blue to stop.

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