Forever Could be Better (Part 3/5)

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A week since I've posted?!

Let's change that.


(Insert awesome chapter cover that I'm definitely almost done with)



Oh, how the heart wrestles with unease,

Torn between loyalty and bitter doubt.

A fragile dance on a tightrope of connection,

Navigating the treacherous path of clout.


Cyan was wondering why Orange had suddenly appeared when she had seen Red motioning to her. He gestured for her to follow him and opened the door.

While barely sparing a glance at the other Rainbow Friends, she followed him and walked inside the building.

Her form was almost too big to fit through the door, but when she tilted her head to the side, she was able to fit pretty well. She squeezed in and Red followed her inside, closing the door behind him.

Inside, it was mostly just an empty garage. The walls looked old and worn, and one of the lights kept flickering.

There was only one table and chair, and an outlet in the corner. There was another door in the other corner of the room, but Red made no move towards it, so Cyan stayed where she was.

"What is it?" She said, trying to make her voice even to hide her worry. Something felt incredibly off to her and she didn't like it one bit.

Red glanced back at the door, as if checking that no one was listening.

"Orange isn't telling the truth, Cyan. He was snooping around for a reason." He said, although his voice didn't betray him as it had for Cyan.

Cyan sighed as she lowered her head slightly, bringing herself a little closer to Red's level.

"I know, but I don't understand what his problem is. There must be something he's not telling us."

Red narrowed his eyes. "Yes. There is something he's not saying." He said, but did not elaborate any further.

Cyan watched Red closely, trying to read his expression, but he was obviously keeping his opinions to himself. After a moment of silence, she looked back towards the door.

"Should we ask him?" Cyan said, trying to think of what could be bothering Orange so much. Perhaps it was still about his Predator form, perhaps it was something else.

Red followed her gaze, folding his hands behind his back while he thought for a second.

"I'll talk to him." Was all he said. Cyan wanted to protest, but the uncomfortable feeling she was getting made her think twice.

There was obviously something else going on. And while Cyan was worried for Orange, and about what Red might say to him, she did trust Red to deal with things. She had in the past, and there was no reason to stop trusting him now, she guessed.

She decided that she would check on Orange later, once Red had talked to him, just in case.

After hesitating for a moment, she nodded. "If you think that'll help." She replied.

Red finally seemed to pick up on her worry. "Orange will be fine, Cyan, you don't need to worry." He said, staring at her intently.

Cyan was grateful for his attempt to comfort her, but she had to admit that Red wasn't the type to ever get sappy, and it came off a little awkward, especially with the way he blankly stared at her while he waited for a response.

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